John Boehner

I know!!! Fine to say if you’re a civilian on a tour and you’re like, “this looks like a dated Hilton.” but 45, that’s your seat of power and lol have you even seen your hotels and condos? Have you?!!!

I thought it was pretty short, too. Then I saw Jorah’s wounds healing nicely and I thought NOT EVEN THE MOST MAGICAL OINTMENT COULD DO THAT IN 24 HOURS. Until I remembered from the previous episode Jorah was condemned to wail with the stonemen by Sam’s archmaester in 24 hours.

all of this was non-news but this was still a great dirt bag???

my reply here keeps getting shorted out, so instead of complimenting this awesome episode, i will let u know that i grant ur podcast THREE pitches. if any of them resonate with u personally i think you will run with the subjects and fulfill all of my podcast fantasies.

this was SUCH a good episode, and i had to listen to it into the most misogynistic hour at work I’ve ever had. During a span of one hour, randos keep walking into my building and I’m like HEY CAN I HELP YOU and they fucking ignore me and beeline to the first man they can find and ask him CAN YOU HELP ME BRO

this was SUCH a good episode, and i had to listen to it into the most misogynistic hour at work I’ve ever had. During a span of one hour, randos keep walking into my building and I’m like HEY CAN I HELP YOU and they fucking ignore me and beeline to the first man they can find and ask him CAN YOU HELP ME BRO

Rick Perry sounds like me at my job because I’m always stuck with the people who press 0 before they can stand to listen to the directory.

I cannot wait to see what Lydia’s cancer-...surviving? friend has to say about Lydia’s defense of Vicki.

No shit, I’ll never forget about an old coworker who was pissing and moaning about PEOPLE DOING HIS JOB getting $15 an hour for it. I was like, “You have kids that you married into, man... YOU KNOW HOW HARD YOU WORK AT THIS JOB. And you don’t think you deserve a living wage?? You’re fine with $11.00 an hour??!!!”

My partner’s aunt is a 70+ Buddhist. She cannot stomach violence at all.

My favorite bedroom that I ever had was painted a golden orange ALL OVER. I am also a person who needed a SAD lamp when I lived somewhere with a true winter. If you’re nervous, just do one ~accent wall~ and feel it out.

Having an older mom, I am a big fan of older moms.

It depends on how the POS is set up. I worked in one restaurant that didn’t need manager approval for moving items to a different tab (because it was mostly a bar and people will buy other people’s drinks quite frequently- It depends on the restaurants needs I guess. No manager wants to be flagged down 30 times a

Maybe keep passing it off until it gets to the last table of their shift that orders the soda, and then they don’t doctor that final bill? 🤔

Ah, I get it now!

I’m sorry, Aimée.

I need to know which episode this was!!! 😂

Apparently you’re not alone! Yeah, couples will release pink or blue balloons, cut into a cake that’s dyed either pink or blue on the inside, shit like that. It’s not my thing, but it happens~

The last day I was in Ohio before moving to California I was sitting in a health clinic seated next to a man with an assault rifle, because he needed an assault rifle to get a z-pac obviously.

So the pregnant woman lost the fetus at its own party? Ughhhhghsgsvduf.