Oh so often, I hardly post now because half of the time I have a notification alert here I shave a month off of my life.
Oh so often, I hardly post now because half of the time I have a notification alert here I shave a month off of my life.
I rewatched RHONY from season 1 last year. I’d been of the mind that Ramona was not that bad but still bad, after watching it all episode-by-episode as it aired. When you marathon that shit, however... Ramona is the most unhinged, psychotic piece of shit from day 1. And it seems innocuous because at first it’s at the…
it’s like this woman learned nothing from kim “NOT IN NEW YORK” kardashian west pfffttt
agahagghhgggg this was the comment I needed to read today. Thank you so much.
That area is very hard to explain to people who havent lived there. People who are getting to know me in my new city think I’m a weirdo liar when I seemingly use Ohio/Kentucky interchangeably.
This is the first time I’ve seen pizza and then not wanted pizza.
Looks like Ann’s been adding silver to her martinis tbh
I’ve typed maybe 20 replies to your comment and deleted them because they aren’t entirely what you need to hear. My heart is broken with yours. Kids can be such fucking shitheads.
Me on friday, at 9:30 “Headphones, using my iphone to call in, now mute.”
I’m blocked from her Twitter, probably because I share the same sentiments.
Ive known some popular/stylish ladies who’ve done it. Once they get a good internet following they can sell garbage. I know a girl who makes her living raiding thrift stores for hipster clothes and selling her finds thru a consignment shop.
It’s the commenter who accused other commenters of “meanness” when they weren’t being mean at all, so I hope not!
For real, I have no idea why it took me so long to learn that lesson. Early on in this relationship I would be super passive aggressive and I would wait for him to notice something that needed to be done. As a result, the house would get a little messy and I was resentful and angry half of the time.
My parents and I live on opposite sides of the country. I use their cable account to access HBOGo, and I have for like 3 years. Big Little Lies will be ready to view at 9 pm EST, or 6 pm PST where I am.
It’s hard to criticize someone for not pitching in with groceries or housekeeping when you realize that not-ramen for dinner and cleanliness is somehow a “you” thing.
I am the cleanest person, I won’t let partner get under freshly washed sheets until showered, i shower once in the morning and once after gym (i have to be at work and look nice before 8) my anxiety presents itself with a very moderate ocd factor.
how did this turn into a shitpost in under 40 comments?
Your comments are so delightfully batshit insane defensive!!! I am so bewildered that you read Mental Iceberg’s completely innocuous comment and were just like MEANNESS!!!
It’s because people rarely see your armpit hair, and I’ll be honest, most of the women in my town with natural armpit hair are also the kind of women who think bathing and deodorant are unnatural. That stink would run up even if they DID shave their armpit hair.