John Boehner

The Wright brothers are in a cemetary next to the university I went to. My former drunk college student self can assure you that you can make a LOT of noise in a city cemetary without getting caught (nothing more nefarious than playing flashlight tag). My former drunk college student self can also assure you that

My dad is a Trump-voting douchebag born the same year as Trump. His childhood boogeyman were communists and MAD and duck-and-kiss-your-ass-goodybe drills.

That is such a good idea

There’s also someone here on Twinja who was discussing her pride/terrified response re: her daughter protesting in Seattle.

There’s also someone here on Twinja who was discussing her pride/terrified response re: her daughter protesting in Seattle.

I was called homophobic by some MAGA nerd who called me a snowflake because I asked him A. When he decided to read a book B. Why it happened to be Chuck Palahniuk’s ode to homoeroticism, of all things.

I probably spent about 3 hours in bed on Saturday not touching a glass of wine next to me because it would worsen the long-ass panic attack I was having (was also shaking too hard to hold it without spilling). Friday and Saturday were terrible days for my anxiety, and I still have to be careful of how long I spend

very good advice

My sister is going through something similar with her old high school boyfriend. It’s been over a decade, he contacted her as part of a 12-steps thingy for his bipolar disorder... And when his brother found out that he’d started stalking my sister’s social media, he met up with her and was like, “For the love of god

Was on the phone with sister while walking the pup today. Ira ran into his favorite neighborhood dog, LLLOOOOOOOOOSEEEEEEEEEEE (lucy, her neighbors just say her name with the weirdest NorCal faux southern accent). They sniffed butts and charged at each other. Good times!

I dated a few guys in metropolitan areas that used it on their balls/thighs if they were on foot a lot. Smells less offensive than other products that do the same thing.

He sounds like me on a dating app when I was bored enough to venture on one. “Oh, this person is hot and seems cool.” And then you message them, and then their first response to you turns you off so much that you try to politely show your disinterest and let them bow out with grace, but they keep pressing you for a

That color is beyond perfect on Gwendoline. You’re great but I miss Dodai :(

I can’t stop looking at Grace and seeing the faces of all of the 14 year olds I was friends with as a freshman in high school. I can’t believe they plotted this for a year. I’m so sorry, Grace.

I read this aloud to partner (also a Jezzie) after I called it the “worst open thread story I’ve ever read.”

Yeah, it’s like the first couple of seasons of SVU. SVU was so revolutionary when it came to crimes against women.

No advice for you, because yours is a situation I’ve dreaded being in since I was 25. I know my own pregnancy and post-partum will be horrible. I don’t know what ED you’re stuck with, I was anorexic until i ate more than 400 calories a day and then I went hogwild and was bulimic. Even mostly recovered, i still purge

I’m so glad you get it! When I moved out my parents were like “We donated all of your old clo—-” and i was like “WHY I WAS SUCH A PUNK WHEN I WAS A KID HALF OF IT WAS CIGARETTE BURNED AND HELD TOGETHER BY SAFETY PINS, EVEN IN A WORST CASE SCENERIO A REFUGEE WOULDNT WEAR THAT SHIT.”

The collision of these worlds is a great way to end the year

Pro-tip- When donating, be upfront about the quality of clothing. Separate like-new clothing from your painting clothes/ clothing with holes in it/clothing covered in cat hair and weed shake. Certain charities will gladly take the damaged goods, but others will literally trash it, even tho it’s illegal. Why put in the