John Boehner


I love you, Cudi! You don’t owe your fans an apology. Just heal, my angel.

You know how these shows work, right? Instead of having people settle their shit in small claims, they ask them to do it on TV. The defendants usually go because if/when they “lose,” they TV show will pay their “fees.” It also won’t add to their criminal record- Why do you think defendants agree to have this shit

irl lol hahahaha 💯

Undecided! I just wanted to share a really uncomfortable story about how a hotmom came into my work with her son who was definitely a nerd/loner. They were putting together their Stranger Things mom/son costumes! It was so badass! After she told me she was going to wrap herself up in Christmas lights I told her she

I use them all the time, to the point that I’ve assigned “Korean beauty essences” to my fiance (Mountain Dew and beef jerky) and my dog (corn chips).

!!!! On NPR the other day, all of the experts came out and said that it is NOT the moderators role to fact check, it is the debator’s! But I think it’s okay because everything “fact checked” by the moderator was just him stating “this is a fact” and Trump saying “no it isn’t” and then moderator saying “yes it is.”

That Trump Nose Suck supercut was such a tribute to your Rubio dry-lip-smack supercut I almost cried because nostalgia but also I did irl gag because gross.

I love you!

tbh listening to trump bark about women, and then imaging hrc as the first woman potus made me tear up.

I don’t think a lot of us do, it’s just like, us eighth  graders want to know what’s happening with the sixth graders! What is this drama! Why is someone we barely notice flouncing!

What if he goes radio silent and does end up killing himself tonight, and it’s all our faults as stated in his suicide note :(

I wanna see the knife thing! Someone show me the knife thing! I have no shame!

I feel weird, because all of the old Kinja people I know seem to be like, no1curr? What is this drama? He had some posts? He did that gross thing that men on Jezebel usually do? Fuck Nilla for making this non-entity something that anyone cares about?

Oh my God just that ending line *kisses finger tips* delicioso!

i 💕Gabby

Mte he seemed stunned and put under pressure to make a graceful response.

That’s what we (multiple readers from this account!) took from it and creeeeeeepy

i didn’t realize Donald said that about Queen Martha. The only Apprentice contestant worth caring about was on Martha’s season, anyway.

I vividly recalled the episode of Law & Order she was talking about during the interview!!!! She was great, but it was Law & Order! I loved how she was like “rite of passage. A job. But I was so happy.” And then she talks about watching herself cry in the mirror for the first time, and she’s like “Wow, that is really