John Boehner

It’s just so gratifying... If you listened to her interview on Fresh Air, Paulson was audibly enraged at how Clark was treated during the trial. Giving her an apology on behalf of the public was gold. I’m sure her partner agreed it was the right thing to do.

Georgia is beautiful! Even though my dog is MY dog, having a partner in my life be like, “He is FINE, you are being paranoid,” makes me realize... You and I are so lucky to have partners to help us through this. If I didn’t have someone to calm me down all of my disposable income would be spent at the vet.

omg “sweet smelly fatty fats” is so funny but painfully accurate and now i feel like the ghosts of all of my labs are waiting for me outside of my bedroom door. “Please let us in, we just want to fart on you one more time.”

I probably wrote and deleted 5000 words while writing this comment. I have so much to say, but it hardly seems appropriate.

The first wasn’t even so bad that it was funny (what I was really hoping for). It was just bad.

Oh my God.

Yes!!! I was thinking of u the whole time i wrote my comment. “What if lil cheerful was the kid in the school zone i hit because i smoked weed that was worth smoking and decided to driiiive.”

I know I’m gonna sound like the asshole who can’t ~have fun~ but smoking and driving is bad, and they should feel bad.

He’s actually a super funny person. He ranted about hot dogs and healthy food in a short video and I’m still laughing about it 500 years later.

Nuh uh! She’s a dear friend of Andy’s, well before she became a housewife. She’s not getting axed unless she wants to be!

Still laughing

They’re not mostly from out of town, unless you consider Kettering “out of town.”

This is Dayton, OH. They’re all unemployed millenials without families there.

I’m curious, too! He looks straight up sick!


I was about to be all, “Come on man, that’s like something...”

What is with lazy ass modern day students who don’t google the shit on their syllabus? Are these the c-student business douchebags that accidentally signed up for a 300 level philosophy class to fulfill a requirement? I went to college a decade ago and I still googled the shit on my syllabus. I get that it would be

Regarding trigger warnings in classes in particular: I have an old friend from college who now teaches women and gender studies at a top tier university. She’s a WOC and millenial and though I’m not sure if she offers trigger warnings for her classes now, she was always of the mindframe “Read the damn syllabus because

Thank you Gawker Media for uniting my fiance and me~ And thank you for helping me make great friends along the way~

yes i want to know too good question