John Boehner

Wow. I always moan when I have to share the road with cyclists, but I’ve moved to a new area where I moan even harder when they bike on the sidewalks.

Hello Tomato! Because I have less time to tame it since i started running a house. I dont even have babies yet, just dog and man. Three weeks into our current living situation i took the dude’s hunting knife to my hair and lopped off over a foot and a half. Aint got time for that rat’s nest.

You’re good people and should always be on the internet!

Yeah, all three people who replied seem to be confused, but it reads pretty clearly to me? 🤔

Bad guy was never caught in my case, but it’s really the silver lining to the Kalamazoo case. At least the asshole was caught.

I’m so sorry, Cocopop. No one died or was even seriously injured in my hit and run, but the anger at not knowing who it was kills me to this day. A nice doorman outside of the building it happened in front of got the plates, but the owner of the vehicle reported the car stolen like an hour before we were hit. It’s so

Berniebro now supporting Hillary reporting in.

They’re from Oakwood, which is a very rich community. I always hated one of the Rasmussen sisters, not surprised this one is a garbage bag too.

You have no idea how often I get random apologies from people I went to highschool or college with, for treating me like shit over something that, 10 years later, they realized couldn’t possibly be true about me. “I’m so sorry for believing shit that some noted, psycho asshole dude said about you.” I’m like “glad you

Exactly. Pair that with being a child actor. They either seem to learn from it (and most of them fade into obscurity) or let it suck them up and bleed them dry. Keira’s a rare one who kept on with acting and modeling and turned out so fantastically.

I know! Dad is getting some serious air!

Irl lol

Yes. I can remember rolling my eyes at her douchebaggy interviews when she was a teenager where I was like, “Good God, get a grip you awful idiot.”

I wonder how much I stifled my sister’s opera career. She really did have the most amazing voice- same age as this girl, but better. But you can’t exactly practice music quietly and I haaaaated having her practice interrupt any part of my daily life and i would wail at her until she stopped. To sister’s credit, she

Tomato Face just lost to you so hard and he can’t even admit it.

It very well might! I pay for* the one with ads. It suits me well with bathroom and texting breaks.

Afaik hulu+ doesnt have a cable provider deal like hbo or other networks (bravotv) do. :/

Unrelated endgame talk: I use Hulu+ more than I use Netflix and HBOGo combined. If you have the extra cash every month, I’d do it.

I watched it on Hulu a month ago. It really is a great show, and I was surprised by how dark it was.

Yeah current partner told me he was planning on renting the next door property to his friend, who is dating a girl he still has audible sex dreams about, and I went all Taylor Swift on him, he had a hard time understanding why and called me immature.