Dude, people are such fucking monsters. IF YOURE NOT WILLING TO PLAY THE GAME THEN YOU CAN’T WIN THE GAME.
Dude, people are such fucking monsters. IF YOURE NOT WILLING TO PLAY THE GAME THEN YOU CAN’T WIN THE GAME.
Yeah I love (eye roll) that customers don’t understand that a lot of their free shit is paid for BY THEIR SERVERS.
This story is amazing and terrifying!
I learned a long time ago to never offer to go above and beyond for a customer, because THIS SHIT always happens. Sometimes, people would be really grateful for the small things. Usually it went like this:
The coffee story... It fucking amazes me how often people expect ridiculous shit for free. You have to have the imagination and expectations of a young child to read “free small coffee” and think “free complicated coffee based drink.”
A. That’s exactly how I read this situation, too. It’s really cool that a judge is trying to be like CULTURAL RELATIVISM AND UNDERSTANDING THE PRESSURE KIDS ARE UNDER THESE DAYS, but pick your fucking battles, man. These kids know that this behavior is evil. Yes, they stay tight-knit to other Chinese people, but…
It’s not about their environment turning them into savages. By all means, their families have sent them here for school, not for work, which tends to mean they’re wealthy. If they’re lonely they can go the fuck back home.
To everyone who signed this petition in earnest: Shut the fuck up, cracker.
LOL the first comment on the Bella Hadid story
I love that you and another have been able to call him out just by his ears. Yes he’s snoozing on my laptop before I head to work~
Are you sure that’s a myth?! It sounds plausible enough to make a moderate difference!
It’s totally awesome to do in the privacy of your own home. Like I wouldn’t do it at a fancy event, but sometimes I wish I could get sippy cups at shows.
Fuck this evil piece of shit. She has one job, which is to not be a piece of shit. If she can’t not be evil, she has no right to rule over the lives of children.
She called the recession “exciting” because now bankers that were doing jobs they hated could pursue other career fields. It wasn’t worded THAT badly, but that she was so disconnected from the working class (oh, now you have the free time to chase your dreams!) was incredibly insensitive.
Omg the audacity of the guide when they were like “AND WE’LL STOP IN AT THE TEN BELLS AT THE END OF THE TOUR FOR SOME BEER!” (which was his haunting grounds for picking up victims). The professors all took us out to lunch and they were like, “We are so sorry.”
Fun fact: once I spent a summer in the east end with a social justice group led by feminist WGS professors. They signed us up for a tour expecting it to be about poverty in the Victorian era. Instead the tour guide decided to turn it into a Ripper tour, going into all of the gory details about how the women were…