John Boehner

Oh my god i spit up chewed food laughing

Yeah I guess if I was in that situation I’d be pretty upset. I, for one, wish people would stop asking Natalie about the Middle East so she could remind us how losing our jobs during the recession was really just such a great opportunity, again.

Fuck this piece of shit. “Working more” isn’t going to fucking help anyone who works in exploitative fields.

I can’t help but think of Tyga’s verse in Bedrock, where he makes it clear he’s pretty anti-sharing sexts with his bros. (Oh my god he was like 18 when he recorded that). There are a lot of things he’s done wrong, there are a few reasons why I think he’s a dick, but no one deserves to have that shit shared online.

After reading Witches, Midwives and Nurses, I’m absolutely going with a midwife.


First: I’m lucky to have good skin, so I can get away with BB creams. I use Missha Perfect Cover in Milky Beige normally, or sometimes Lioele’s Beyond the Solution, but if I’ve got a tan then I DO use NARS’ Siberia (sheer). I also use Lioele for all of my blush shit, and sometimes I throw in Étude House products.

Wow, this is a great comment. Is makeup your trade? I hate hate hate it when creatives get shafted for their work. I always go back to this, but the times my photographer friends have been expected to do free work as a wedding present... “You want me to give you a 3-5k wedding gift? Really?” I don’t know anyone in the

Basically. If anything, they’re investing in products that they won’t be using that often because the entire industry is racist. But what the fuck is 400 dollars for Black cosmetics each season for the sake of professionalism/not being part of the problem? When top fashion houses have hired you, you can fucking afford

Yeah, dont get me wrong. Lemon juice? Awesome. Olive oil? Awesome. But she just can’t mix the two together, NEVERMIND consider adding in vinegar (or any other liquid ingredient).

Uh, do what your doctor tells you. You don’t need to defend yourself to your server or the cook. If you truly feel insecure about ordering well-done and you really want beef, just tell your server you have an immunodefiency!

I work with a bunch of Chinese people who constantly cook our family dinners with still-in-shell shrimp. They eat the shells and I’m the oddball that’s like “thanks but no thanks.”

She got the severe OCD and moderate anxiety. I got the panic disorder and moderate OCD. (The two go hand in hand.) You’re allowed to mock both of us! We do it to each other all of the time. It’s healthy for both of us to be reminded that our shit is irrational. “KARINZA STOP CRYING YOU DONT HAVE TO LOOK AT THAT

Whatever. Whenever I see the Scott stans here that love him because he’s in on the Kardashian joke, or for his American Psycho obsession, I just wonder... Do you not remember that he’s a horribly abusive alcoholic? Good riddance. I hope it sticks.

My sister has terrible OCD. We also didn’t grow up eating steak. (I think I’ve had beef maybe once in my life). So, I still abstain, but well-done looks gross to me.

It’s cool if people wear shoes into your kitchen/dining room/living room, especially if there are multiple guests. When someone wears shoes into my bedroom I try to say, “TAKE YOUR SHOES OFF AND STAY AWHILE” because otherwise I just might go full blown panic attack about it.

The initial post on Gawker about the removal of the post said he was a teen. It spurred a lot of “BUT HE LOOKS 8” comments. I didn’t go to verify because I didn’t care if he was 8 or 13. So maybe 13?

If there was ever one blogger that I wished I could have shared my childhood with as a sister, it’s you.

(I was joking because there was no implication in my initial comment at all that Jezebel is somehow the biggest bastion of internet atheists intolerant of anyone of faith. If this entire thread happened on 4chan, I would have used Anons, not Jezzies)

Atheism is perfectly fine, and the reality is that 95% of the time I share the same values with them. But of course, there are times when the garbage people who are part of our faith (or, if you want to get pedantic, lack of faith) just really drop the ball and make the rest of us look like dicks.