John Boehner

It’s really a matter of judgment/ employee expectations. If it’s early December and a Saturday night, servers should expect to stay up to 2 hours after the restaurant stops taking tables. It’s a restaurant’s busiest season.

I just looked it up and Patti made him a successful match! He’s either engaged or already married! Couldn’t have happened to a sweeter man.

Did you ever see Irv on the Millionaire Matchmaker? He was one of the few non-creeps Patti had to deal with and he was SO ADORABLE.

YES. You said everything. Never hated hosts either, but God when they got too nervous to deal with customers and fucked one of us over...

It was such a great read! I just hope the gross Pooh Bear of caramel got hers in the end.

The best kind of host is a host with serving experience! I can’t even tell you, the day a host turned 19 and was old enough to start serving, they became better hosts in less than a week.

I want to kill the family that harassed the host. Hosts are meant to be the punching bags of the servers, not the customers.

Yes!!! I love Denise. She is FLAWLESS when she does comedy, and she may not be a GENIUS but I don’t think she’s unintelligent either, and she’s always come across as a compassionate and loving person. I can’t even believe how mature and gracious she is to Charlie every time she has to put up with his public drunken

That’s so weird! It’s not the norm for Chinese restaurants in my area but yeah there are a couple that do wings. I have NEVER been to a Chinese place that serves fries tho.

Yeah, I would much rather discuss the ordering of wings and fries at a Chinese place. It’s already bad enough when we get reprimanded for not having Chinese food at a JAPANESE sushi bar (literally, 20 minutes ago a customer very politely asked me for lo mein and I was like naaaaahhhhh) but this kind of takes the crazy

If I have to lie, cheat, steal or kill. As God is my witness, I will never have my bullshit nonsensical threads derailed again!

I love the dismiss function. I love you for promoting it.

Why not just form bonds with commenters like a normal person and then see where it goes? After a few years of friendship I’m with another Jez commenter IRL and it just like, happened.

You were a kid, no one is going to blame you ffs. Obviously it’s the most horrible for the victim, but I would never hold it against a child if they didn’t know how to fucking react to something so grim.

Your judgment isn’t wrong, but she needs to want the advice. Like, if you’ve already SUGGESTED an abortion, that’s all you can do without potentially fucking up the relationship. You can’t come at her stronger than that without being the major asshole in this situation.

There may or may not be a special place in Hell for women who don’t help other women???

Wow! Western Canada, such a long way to travel! Buckeyes tend to stay in the Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana part of the US, so much closer to the East coast! Damn!

I love that you’ve started to commit to your cause full time!


Behold: A woman on the spectrum has just said she knows what “standard sexy” is and it STILL isn’t for her. FWIW “standard sexy” isn't for most of us :)