John Boehner

YUP. My comment on the initial Jez post was like, “I love how they’re counteracting her argument by literally proving her point.”

I had to bite my fist it was such a hot burn.

idk but don't you just feel sorry for the chinese

IAWTC. Tyrone, you seem unhinged and you should probably treat yourself to a massage to relieve whatever tension is making you become a whackadoodle.

The worst part- It’s not some kind of crazy puritanical “role model for young girls” clause, even.

MADELEINE you’be written so much, SO MUCH, that has made me laugh and cringe at the same time.

25 and 28. Ohio.

SEVERE ANXIETY HAVER HERE. Extreme fear of heights! Something about bringing my lil companion on a flight seems counterintuitive. It would only double the stress because IF I DIE HE DIES AND WHAT KIND OF MOM AM I.

My jaw is tightening like I’m about to ralph just thinking about how sweet this sounds.

I really hope a Nolan spin-off gets picked up by Netflix or something.

Lol yes, it’s like bullet.

One time I went to a bar in Brooklyn and the bartender kept trying to correct my pronunciation of Bulleit. “So from my understanding you would like some BOO-LAY”

HAAAHAHAHA I can’t believe they’re counteracting her criticism by literally proving her point. (Wait, I can!)

I’m really happy for Kanye (whhhyyyy?) and I think Kim’s tweet is really sweet.

Good, I’m also team dog.


If I hadn’t seen it happen myself, I would have called you a liar after I read your comment.


re: nolan ross fan video

I learned the news when I went out to get drinks with my friend. She asked me how I was ‘taking it,’ and I was drunk and like, “taking what~~~”