The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law...” which means there is no federal law at all!
The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law...” which means there is no federal law at all!
Since most of the First Nations communities have publicly forgiven her, and she has apologized publicly, I don’t want to hear another damn thing from anybody, including Warren, except this:
You really should be judged on the decisions you made when you were 17 years old. That’s how it works.
You can’t declare bankruptcy for student loans. That’s why the interest rate on student loans is as low as it is. Student loans have driven the expansion of the American university-as-industry and made is possible for millions to go deep into debt while getting a degree that may or may not be valuable in the outside…
Buy a Zune!
Buy a Zune!
And then one time he says “If you rake forests, forest fires are finished.” then the next time it’s “Raking forests is why the Finnish never have forest fires.” then the next it’s “I was talking to the President of Finland - great leader, they love me in Finland - and he told me that they don’t have forest fires…
Look how much he’s -desperately- trying to get her to say “taxes will go up” and tell me that’s not a man who’d run a sound bite of “Your taxes are going to go up” and -never- explain why it’d be cheaper in the long run for likely most Americans making less than $75,000.
It’s not that she doesn’t have an answer, it’s that giving that answer will be out-of-context sound bite fodder for everyone right of NPR.
Well if that’s not proof that QBR is an extremely important and useful statistic, I don’t know what is.
Yea it now occurs to me, for all the shit you’ve talked about Matty Ice this year you follow a team whose QB is “What if Matt Ryan, but worse?”
Bryan’s story is basically the plot of Angels in the Outfield, except instead of the Angels he has the shitty Vikings and his dad is never coming back.
His model isn’t made anymore. He painted his Steelers helmet silver and slapped Raiders decals on it. He is literally trying to wear the same helmet. He was just on twitter trying to find a 2010 or 2011 model because those are the only ones he’d be allowed to play with this year, which again means the one he has is a…
probably got a good price on account of the whole murder thing
Your condoms have chinstraps? Kudos to you, big guy!
The Fed had a tricky job pulling us out of the financial crisis with no significant fiscal stimulus to help jump start things. Now they are battling NEGATIVE interest rates in the rest of the world and Trump’s trade war. I do not envy their job.
It’s free expression, but it’s not the government restricting her speech, so the 1st Amendment doesn’t apply. The HOA rule is, as usual, cripplingly dumb, but she signed on to abide by those rules when she moved in.
Seriously. The last time I was looking for a house, I told my agent “No HOAs.” She came back with listings for three houses governed by HOAs. I told her “No HOAs. I won’t even look at them.” She said, “but these are great deals”. I said, “because they’re in fucking HOAs. No thank you.”
HOAs are entirely populated by power hungry twats with nothing better to do than concern themselves with what their neighbors are doing.
Plus a 76 member board?!?!? Really? Fucking NASA had fewer on their council when they were trying to get to the goddamned moon.