
It’s worth remembering that it’s not necessarily who they consider the *best* person of the year, just the most impactful/influential. Time has intentionally chosen both great and terrible people over the years.

You could always do the truly American thing and vote with your wallet. There's no rule preventing you from donating to a campaign across the country for someone trying to hold/flip a seat.

Few things set me off worse than a hypocrite. The Venn diagram of people who fly that flag and people who get mad when anyone “disrespects” the official colors is a perfect circle.

I mean, technically, it’s COVID-19. We all thought we’d put 2019 behind us, but it said, “We’re done when I say we’re done.”

Somewhere out there, Mergio is smiling.

Try the Chrome extension AutoplayStopper. It does just what it says on the tin, for both ads and regular videos. Works like a charm across 96% of sites I visit.

Try the Chrome extension AutoplayStopper.  It does just what it says on the tin, for both ads and regular videos.  Works like a charm across 96% of sites I visit.

I use a Chrome extension, aptly named AutoplayStopper, that does a pretty good job of fixing this issue. Everything on the page loads normally, the video just waits for you to click start. 

He does, just under a different name. Try searching “John Wilson”.

I don’t know if anyone actually looks at these comments, but something changed recently with the site formatting that makes the deals page an absolute pain to read. When I’m trying to scroll quickly through the list, images and product links and ads (why does a commerce page need ads?) are all loading as I get to

I don’t know if anyone actually looks at these comments, but something changed recently with the site formatting

I genuinely read this entire article and got to your comment before I remembered the Chargers had moved to LA.

As someone with both a Challenger and a child, my best advice is to be honest with yourself. Dealing with the carrier + base style car seat is not a big deal. Once they move to the permanent, rear-facing seat, it’s another story. You will have to climb in and out of the back seat with the kid every time you take them

If you have an existing delivery vehicle that will never need to be replaced and also has no limit on the number of packages it can deliver in a day, please let us know.

And if Bochy wins 11 of his last 10 games, he’ll finish his career at .500, which is an even greater achievement than 2,000, or even 2,044.

That’s just, like, your opinion, man.

I swear I’ve heard this story before... Odd-colored individual with crazy hair and a tiny heart saves Christmas by undoing something he did to ruin it in the first place...

Generally, I agree. However, when making your personal evaluation, I would also consider if your home airport is a hub for a certain airline (e.g. Delta in MSP or ATL). I would be willing to pay a small premium for a direct flight on the hub airline vs. a cheaper ticket that requires a connection and 2 hour layover.

Generally, I agree. However, when making your personal evaluation, I would also consider if your home airport is a

I want to ask one of these people why they would disrespect the flag by changing the colors. Our troops serve under the red, white, and blue. Do they hate the troops??

You’re not wrong, but I think you’re looking at this from a research perspective rather than a journalistic perspective. You could never use this data to say “All drivers now make 50% less than before,” but you could say “For 1000 rides, drivers made 50% less than before.”