Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?
It’s Existential Crisis Day in Kinjaland today. All the sites under the G/O Media umbrella are running “Boycott Amazon” posts alternating with “Kinja Deals Prime Day Specials.”
If your sport can’t rouse itself to stop the clock and then start it again as play progresses, your sport is shite. Also, sports clocks should run backwards. And finally, teams are singular - “Manchester United is winning 1 - 0.” Not ‘are winning,’ you bunch of poofters.
Wait, we don’t know where Garrett is? CRISIS ALERT!!!
I think I could, eventually, with enough practice, put a racket on a ball traveling at that speed. However, could I deliver that ball over the net and in bounds? Take her off the court and that would still be a miracle. Whatever pathetic offering that I would try would immediately be tracked down and lazily stuffed…
Here I was thinking I could beat him when he’s in his 70s because he won’t get around the court too well but some crazy geniuses around here are talking about playing him when he’s a kid. That’s thinking outside the box and I would show no mercy to a kid. Maybe that’s how he got to be so good. Some adult trounced him…
Dora and the Dads Weirdly Into Dora the Explorer All of a Sudden
This is pretty shitty, especially since he was just trying to figure out kinja
If you think TBS only cares about ratings, then I have a time machine to sell you to take you back 15 years.
How Amazon Will Trick You Into Buying More on Prime Day
Op: doesn’t want to make a poor life choice
Me: violate me with that scorpion tail, daddy
From what I can surmise Disney’s only money problem is the unquenchable desire to make more of it.
Executive producer: Werner Herzog.
I went to a twitter feud the other night, and a hockey app broke out.
I did very poorly that semester
Oh he’s so lying. Balls are being hit further and faster than ever before. Some would say that this mann has been blinded by the flight
Not a stupid question. The simple answer is no. It would take a whole lot of devices charging off the same outlet for it to have any effect like that.