
There are two kinds of dirt, the light kind, which is attracted to dark objects, and the dark kind, which is attracted to light objects.

This is a win/win for both sides. Right wingers that would’ve never bought the shoes in the first place get to be righteous patriots and yell at nike and CK. CK gets to stay in the news regarding this issue. Nike gets to appeal to their base. Republicans and Democrats have something new (but not new) to argue about.

My reaction to this is mainly that if Nike wants to give Kaepernick this much influence over their line (which is fine and cool)—they should add him in to their design process more or have him vet the line. Unless the goal was a spot to enter the newscycle it seems like a waste of energy for all involved.

ABC: Always Be Cteaching-people-how-to-drive-stick-to-make-the-sale

There should be a short dash and a long dash

Dashes ranked.

There’s no good way to ask this, so I’m just gonna ask it...

Can I come over for dinner please?

If Dead Letters has taught me anything its that people will respond to this post with a lot of butter emails.

Soccer cow has some nice mooves.

That’s all that’s important - showing it exists. Doesn’t matter if other times it’s fair, doesn’t matter if the other drives make more and the sum total evens out. That’s for the companies to sort out how every fare can be fair. (since they’re paying contractors one by one, not aggregates of salaries.)

Yes, as you suggest, the average of the data they get might be different than the average of a set collected with different parameters.

Yup.  And they would sell 8 of them.  And they’d all end up at SEMA booths.  

“This advice is along the lines of ‘you can be anything you want to be’ 

I never would have pegged Henry Kissinger as still being alive.

While I do love these, you have to admit it looks like some Russian stole a washing machine and turned it into a car.

No shit, the number of foul balls hit in a baseball game is miniscule compared to the number of people who drive to the stadium. Thankfully we take reasonable precautions as a society to keep the number of traffic deaths from getting any higher though. 

Or the Madlib theory when they [verb] a bunch of [plural noun] all [preposition] a [place.]

I don’t know why, but I enjoyed this article way more than I should.

Jesus Barry, you buried the lede, but man, congrats on having the worst opinion in Funbag history. Its a long list of bad opinions, you shot right to the top.

You could have just titled this “Tyrese Gibson quits Fast and Furious franchise”