Vodkawine is still the best way to dispose of shitty old wine. As the saying goes, “the shittier the wine, the shittier the vodka, the better the vodkawine!”
Vodkawine is still the best way to dispose of shitty old wine. As the saying goes, “the shittier the wine, the shittier the vodka, the better the vodkawine!”
as her partner in hate-crime declared from the register that “We’re living under a socialist state.” (Hubby is also wearing a pro-Trump T-shirt,
This is the last straw.
Also from Tom Morello. Pretty sure “davez67" is former House Speak Paul Ryan:
This is your next Star Wars trilogy right here.
Let’s film Helen Mirren dressed as Queen Elizabeth II reading this so Damon can get a screenwriting Oscar.
I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
I got into an annoying argument with someone about Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn that started with “a woman can’t do all that stuff” (which I attempted to counter with the triple threat of “no one can - it doesn’t have to be fully realistic” and “some women could - Aloy is one” and “it’s a video game”)
But it was all a…
I did a reverse Becky/Karen today! O yes I did!
They were deleting diesel particulate filters and egrs, and DOCs.
If this is the kind of shit we allow to happen, then maybe we don’t deserve to modify cars.
This isn’t funny or ignorable: Biden is clearly suffering from dementia. My dad was the EXACT same way towards the end—testy, belligerent, choppy speech, and use of profanity (which he rarely used earlier in life). It’s sad and uncomfortable to watch this.
Like living in a goddam comic book. Which D list villain is next to get sprung, The Prowler, Boomerang Man, Kondiment King, Alan Hevesi?
I always associated tri-tip with being tough, dry, and only edible with copious amounts of steak sauce. When I got out of my parents’ house and started moving around through other parts of California, I met so many people who were enthusiastic about tri-tip, and it was like, “OK, weird, but you do your thing.”
Very nice. I want some now. And the comment about not finding much tri tip outside of California is true. I lived there for 2 years and it’s the only time I’ve ever seen or eaten tri tip steak.
Iowans really can’t hold their liquor.
The Bill Paxton/Bill Pullman paradox , despite being quite unique from each other but with vaugely similar names , humans inexplicably cant tell them apart...Paxton was the one in Independence Day ...right?
It’s obviously battered fish.
Where would Bob’s Burgers be today if Bob Belcher just called it the “Chive and Fried Pickle Burger” instead of the “Baby You Can Chive My Car Burger”?
I don’t want to live in that world.