Just saying, as a Sharks fan, they’ve spent a lot more than $3,000 and still haven’t got one.
Just saying, as a Sharks fan, they’ve spent a lot more than $3,000 and still haven’t got one.
I made some chili last week and used chick peas and pinto beans. The chick peas were just something I had on hand and wanted to use the can juice to thicken the chili. It turned out really good and added a nice texture.
I hovered over it and wondered why it looked odd before realizing we live in the stupidest timeline.
Zettaflare aint got nothing on Mathmagic
“That’s a straw”
I wonder if the real problem a lot of these folks have is the bait and switch of Bill. They saw Nick Offerman, a true man’s man, with a bunker and guns. He doesn’t trust the government, preps for the apocalypse and doesn’t trust outsiders.
Great timing. I almost got hit this morning by some asshole with a distaste for turn signals and looking in mirrors. I hope he get the damn memo.
Welp, looks like them Duke boys are gonna have to pull Daisy out of another pickle.
The controversy this is going to stir up is just too much. Why would he do such a thing? I mean seriously, who the hell stands up to pee while the seat is down? Absolutely disrespectful.
But, my freedom goes up to eleven.
There better be a data tablet with “The Lusty Zarkanian Maintenance Technician” or it’ll never get GOTY
The Holy Guard Rails of Antioch!
I’m having traumatic flashbacks of my first time putting Metal Gear Solid in my first PlayStation and having no idea how to start it because circle was confirm an every time I pressed X to start the game it went back. It took longer than I am willing to admit to figure it out.
My local dive makes what is affectionately known as a“trash bag”. Mad Dog and Vodka. They are what you buy for someone you want to remind how much you both suck at life.
I started turning up my volume and looking for the number that made more of a clunk than a click. I’ve broken a few safes where I couldn’t find the combo easily.
Another mural for Pawnee City Hall
This guy probably doesn’t even wipe down the equipment when he’s done.
Fox News is always accusing the Dems of wineing. Well they’re not wrong this time.
“There’s one thing I have learned through all my adventures and conquests - it’s that some people are just wired for success. I had no choice when it came to being great - I just am great.”
Translation: Poor people are ruining our run up to a full on fascist state with their minimum wage jobs.