
2079 Ford Mustang

I think the MSG is getting to you people. Doritos are the hell spawn of the almighty Tortilla Chip and Lucifer's salty ball cheese. For that sin, the Morning Star was cast from the Heavens to exist in the everlasting fire and brimstone of burning Nacho Cheese Doritos. Everyone who eats them shall join the Father of

I don't even like the DMC-12 that much. It's the hidden wipers and endura bumpers that put him on my list.

Just kidding. It's John Delorean.

I recommend everyone to start by looking for the original by S. Morgenstern ;P

Same dead eyes.

This is highly illogical.

"What are you looking at dicknose?"

Damn kids can't get anything right these days. Take away their rice bowls and put them in sweat shop geometry class.

Where is Kevin Bacon when you need him?

In the meantime, as me anything!

Damn it. I'm wearing a newsboy hat and now I'm sad.

Gotta give a shout out to "Brougham". The Cadillac of Dude/Bro-isms.

I prefer the dead eyes of the Penguin mask. They burn my soul.

I have a friend that does this at the bar all the time. He actually puts his feet on the bar stools of those next to him. He crashed his car a few days ago so I guess he got what was coming to him.

Sleighs will be slayed.

Thanks, my life has only been enriched after seeing and learning about this. You, sir, have provided a great public service and you should be commended. Or committed, I'm still trying to get over my Forrest Whitaker eye.

Warehouse and Logistics Simulator! I know what I want for Festivus.

Apparently the answer isn't always Miata. I got BMW M5, probably because I chose Axis. They were quite interesting despite the whole genocide thing they were all up to. Now I'll go buy that car with the $200 in my bank account right now:(