
Agreed. They may have visited in the past.

Not Scottish heritage, but I was quite surprised when I finally had my arm twisted to try haggis. (Robert Burns thing, including a ‘presentation of the haggis’). It tastes really good - just don’t dwell on the looks.

Possibly related - or not: A local deli makes ‘Jamaican Style’ tuna sandwiches. What makes it ‘Jamaican’? Pepper jelly. Try it the next time you’re making a tuna salad sandwich, it’s pretty good.

Counterpoint: we bought one in the mid 80s. It’s been in daily use, and still runs like a champ. Yes, they’re heavy, sort of the Harley Davidson of the vacuum world (both are the finest 1940s technology you can buy).

Re: those lotions with lactic acids, like AmLactin. Beware putting it on skin that’s about to be exposed to the sun as you’ll be lots more likely to burn.

Re: those lotions with lactic acids, like AmLactin. Beware putting it on skin that’s about to be exposed to the sun

Same here. I was about to upgrade from D750s to D850s (rather than the Z7, as I have a lot of ‘D’ glass - and the Zs can’t accommodate my bad -6 eyes). I’ve been using F-mount since the mid 80s. I may end up swallowing this move because 1)glass and 2)Sony UI kinda sucks. Sigh...

Ubiquity gear is quite good - but I haven’t used them for security cams. I’ve used Synology Diskstations, and the key seems to be video-specific hard drives (e.g. WD Purple) as they’re optimized for continuous-write.


As far as “There’s so little water that you end up using too much water” , I think he’s saying that a low flow toilet isn’t low water usage if you have to flush it multiple times. I’m a bit embarrassed to say this, but I might agree with him - with the caveat that he’s talking about bad low flow toilets. There are goo

Well, we’re just going to have to agree to agree. :-)

I’m guessing she, like us, left the door open. Leaving a washer door open to air it out is not a new thing; I learned to do it in the 60s (long before front loaders became common in US households). Yes, there were Askos - but those things were tiny.

For weight and balance purposes, they have to do a passenger count before a flight can take off.

but you can take this “Socialism for the rich, shut up for the poor” shit and cram it clear up your goddamn ass...

Here, ‘PB’ stands for ‘peanut butter’. :-)

We all know that ‘BP’ at least used to stand for ‘British Persian’? They were the Brits who pushed Eisenhower into the CIA/Kermit Roosevelt deposing Iran’s first democratically elected Prime Minister - and put the Shah (who was willing to let BP extract oil for a pittance) back into power.

Sure about that? Whirlpool owns the name now, so the existence of Maytag washers/driers/whatever is not an indication of the Maytag Corporation still being around.  Maytag Dairy Farm is still there (started out as a hobby farm for the founder or one of his kids) but is now owned by an Iowa equity firm.

Same here. We even had a Maytag Nautilus (the model that put Maytag out of business due to a mildew/smell issue) - and we never once experienced the issue, Why? We leave the door swung fully open whenever we aren’t actually washing clothes. We loved that washer. Did a fabulous job. We finally replaced it after 12-15

...Which is still in use in New Zealand (and maybe the other Commonwealth countries, too?)

Also: “Forgive people”

M. Pneumo would be disappointed.