
My first exposure to Pavlova was in New Zealand. Apparently it was invented there (although with fruit, not squash**) and named tor a popular-at the-time singer. Any NZers able to corroborate?

Wait, what? Was there an auto-play eith this article? Somewhere else? I run ublock origin and ghostery* and pretty much never see/hear auto-run anything...

Sadly, the manual transmission is disappearing. Oh, it’ll be around in enthusiast vehicles for a bit, but if you think about the reason for a transmission, which is matching powerband to current needs for IC engines that tend to have a small-ish sweet spot. Once IC driven vehicles give way to electric ones, manuals

Seems pretty clear that use of fire pre-dates Homo or Neandertals (just look at the dates for ‘earliest camp fire’). Given the evolutionary changes brought by the availablility of cooked food (smaller gut, larger brain) being able to actually create fire would have been important for survival, although less so for a

Did you reply? If so, how much do those suckers go for?

Are the batteries at all replacable? Or same issue as with AirPods?

Are the batteries at all replacable? Or same issue as with AirPods?

If you happen to have a PorterCable orbital polisher, there are brushes that go in in place of the sponge rubber pad or bonnet. I use the pad, plus BonAmi, to get our shower surround looking like it just came from the factory. Ditto the sink, but if ours looked like your ‘before’ picture, I’d start with the brush. And

If you happen to have a PorterCable orbital polisher, there are brushes that go in in place of the sponge rubber pad

As someone who had a helmetless crash victim die of brain trauma (no other injuries - guy crashed his bike) while I tried to keep him alive (Lifeguard training), I take helmets pretty seriosly. I switched to full face when they first became available in motorcycle models (1970-ish).

...within a day’s time...

Yeah, neck ache is something that happens the first couple of days you’re wearing a helmet. Look at the bright side. You didn’t have to deal with highway speed wind pressure, turbulence, or noise.

Sadly, the Sonicare is sold out.

Sadly, the Sonicare is sold out.

I got the ‘original’ version because it had screw holes so I could add screws if necessary. Mine hasn’t budged, but it’s been less than a week.

I got the ‘original’ version because it had screw holes so I could add screws if necessary. Mine hasn’t budged, but

I make a cutting board ‘butter’ with hydrolized coconut oil*, beeswax, and caranuba oil. Makes a nice surface.

FWIW, Bundaberg ginger beer is really, really good.

If you’re looking for easy 2FA, check out Yubikey. Hint: get 2 so if you lose one, you don’t have to find the sheet of one-time 2FA keys you printed when you set things up.

I’ve been using DoggCatcher since amazon offered it as a FAOTD. It does everything I need, including variable playback speed, easy to find podcasts, easy to organize however I want - and a decent interface for when I’m driving. I think it’s also got a sleep timer, but I’ve never tried it. Works fine with Android Pie.

Want clear stock? Do not let it come to a full boil.

Unless it’s inherent contempt. I don’t imagine any of ‘em would like confinement. Yes, the House doesn’t have a jail anymore - but there’s no reason they can’t fix something up.

His talk of ‘TREASON!’ makes me think of his “No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!”.

We’ve been using 7th Generation dish soap for years. We keep it in a spray bottle (one long squirt of dish soap then fill bottle with water). Stuff works great.

We’ve been using 7th Generation dish soap for years. We keep it in a spray bottle (one long squirt of dish soap then