
Exactly. A lot of people seem to be under the impression that the TikTok teens and K-Pop stans somehow reserved all the seats. That’s not the case. The RSVP sign up is just for the campaign’s use. All rallies are first come first serve and you just walk in whether you filled out the RSVP or not. What the teens did was

It wasn’t Bolton’s place to analyze the Dems impeachment strategy for them. Whatever info he had on the Ukraine situation, he should have come forward with it. As for other misconduct, what would’ve prevented him from testifying that he had info on that and he would be like to bring it the committee’s attention for

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Don’t forget to ask, “How’s your 401k doing?”

Not to be that guy but uh having to hold the laser on something for a few seconds isn’t instantaneous. /s

I hope with this measure and being able to lock in cheap oil futures right now, that the airline industry can weather this storm without deep impact to their personnel.  

For ref:

Strange so many news reports are calling Taal ‘one of the world’s smallest volcanoes’ - because it really isn’t.

If I wanted to watch a video I’d be on youtube.

Yup, I remember that pain from my HS football days and then more recently wearing a full face helmet for a couple of days of mountain biking. I also got the pain when I mounted a light to my standard bike helmet for some nighttime off-road trail rides. Pretty much any non-insignificant weight added to your head will

Itructio uclear. ow my keyboard i all greay ad some key have topped workig.

SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utilities District) is a nationalized power company that services people in the same region as PG&E. Compared to PG&E customers across the river in West Sacramento, SMUD customers have lower rates, a greener grid, and more incentives for efficiency. And SMUD has never burned down or blown up

Right now there are no consequences to thumbing your nose at Congress. Until contempt citations start rolling out and people get fined or locked up in the basement of the House, nothing will change.

[quote]The issue, exacerbated by astigmatism, is that the lenses in our eyes are not color corrected (like an achromatic lens in a camera) so we have to adjust focus between font and background - which is tiring.[/quote]

This is something that everyone seems to be completely missing. Get Ukraine to take the hit for election interference, shut off Iran’s oil exports, open the door for Russian oil to fill the void as well as allowing Putin and oligarchs to pull out any money in the US and move it elsewhere.

Ed Markey is great. Sit back down, Joe.

Charlie Baker was an empty suit when elected, but in office he’s been competent, I guess.  When talking about the shitty politicians in state, I can’t believe you didn't drag Marty Walsh. He tried to bankrupt the living shit out of Boston by bringing the Olympics to town. The public told him to fuck right off, and he

Do you have a formatted citation to the published literature? I wish it were more standard practice with science reporting to either link the source material or at least cite it.

Don’t forget the nicely discounted $15.00 purchases for military and veterans. It will save you a lot.

I would sooner taunt a person with an endlessly sharp knife than Happy Fun Ball.