
What do you call an enemy combatant in midair?

If you’re looking to block IPs ‘via a router’ there’s something that runs on a raspi called pi-hole, which also works as a DHCP server, giving DNS clients its own address as a DNS server.

Wait, what? Big Pharma got Trump to say “I would like you to do me a favor, though”? And then got him to admit it? I had no idea that Big Pharma made stupid pills...

Pity achromatic replacement lenses aren’t available - or are they? In a lens stack in a camera lens the achromat lens is often plastic and glued onto another lens in the stack. Of course, your cornea (which also refracts) is also non-achromatic, but, at least in theory, it should be as color-correctable as any other

Agreed. His analogy would fit a grade school understanding of electricity transmitted over wire being analogous to water through pipes (flow=amps, pressure=voltage).

Agreed. His analogy would fit a grade school understanding of electricity transmitted over wire being analogous to water through pipes (flow=amps, pressure=voltage).

Android guy here. I’ve been using light green font on a black background on my ereaders for aaaages - ‘cause my eyes don’t get as tired - and I’m pretty astigmatic. The issue, exacerbated by astigmatism, is that the lenses in our eyes are not color corrected (like an achromatic lens in a camera) so we have to adjust

Wasn’t there a ‘though’ in there, making the link between Javelin sales anddoing him a favor’ pretty explicit?

I hadn’t thought of the Kentucky angle. I think you’re right, though...

My wife and I decided to not have kids - back in the 80s - mostly because it was clear that the environment was taking a major hit from every person in the first world. Why make more, other than selfishness? Why drop kids into an expected-bad situation? It was pretty clear the world was going to run out of resources which Trump apparently tried to solicit a favor from Zelensky—asking Ukraine to open an investigation into Trump’s domestic political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden.

I’ve got a list of scientists you can “listen to” who will tell you that climate change is NOT caused by man releasing too much CO2 into the atmosphere.

On a recint-ish version of Android? The phone app can block spam calls (including robocalls) so long as you have data connectivity (number gets sent to google, which tracks what numbers are spam - IMO major reason they haven’t killed off Google Voice).

BTW, I got one response (which I can’t seem to access now*) that my fear of pthalates is unreasonable. I’m not super afraid of them - the major issue for me is that I can taste them. Tomatoes out of a can taste plasticy to me. It’s faint, but once I notice an off-flavor like that, I can’t un-notice it. Not getting a

BTW, I got one response (which I can’t seem to access now*) that my fear of pthalates is unreasonable. I’m not super afraid of them - the major issue for me is that I can taste them. Tomatoes out of a can taste plasticy to me. It’s faint, but once I notice an off-flavor like that, I can’t un-notice it. Not getting a

BTW, I got one response (which I can’t seem to access now*) that my fear of pthalates is unreasonable. I’m not super afraid of them - the major issue for me is that I can taste them. Tomatoes out of a can taste plasticy to me. It’s faint, but once I notice an off-flavor like that, I can’t un-notice it. Not getting a

There’s basically one thing a server can do to make me under or not tip: Don’t check that everything’s OK after the order’s on the table. If there’s no issue, I still want to see you. If I don’t I’ll tip normally but have a word with your manager about your not following up. If there is an issue and you don’t check, I

I run HEPA filters in my bedroom and my home office. Plus loratadine (Claritin) twice a day (I don’t wait to start to have a reaction, I just take it AM and PM. Makes thinga pretty bearable, except for all the sneezing.

I don’t think it does - just was asking as I haven’t shopped for marinara outside of New England, except for once in Tucson and that store didn’t have any of those brands. One not-available data point. So maybe they’re regional brands. From the replies, I’d now guess that they are not regional.