
My primary use of bottled sause is marinara as a base for a sauce I’m putting together. Why not tinned tomatoes? Pthalates. They might be called ‘tin cans’ but they’re lined with plastinc containing, yup, pthalates. I can get decent tomatoes in glass - but they’re typically a bit more expensive than good marinara.

She said she likes her bedroom cool/cold. 

She said she likes her bedroom cool/cold. 

I like wool better than down (comfortable in a wider range of temeratures, does a better job of transporting any sweat away from your body), both for over and under the sheets. The first time I was in NZ (couple of decades ago) I was introduced to woolenunderblankets’ (mattress pads). I’ve been getting them from a

I like wool better than down (comfortable in a wider range of temeratures, does a better job of transporting any

would transform from rock hard to mushy garbage before anyone could get their hands on them

One word: Republicans

I’ve been using option 7: fertilize the soil. Hair goes into the compost bin.

I’ve been using option 7: fertilize the soil. Hair goes into the compost bin.

I don’t have a cat, but a furminator does an excellent job on our corgie. The last time I furminated the heck out of him, I had a big pile of fur. So I crammed it all into one of thise clear plastic produce bags and weighed it - I had a quarter pound of fur. I was wondering if there was a similar device for cats.

I don’t have a cat, but a furminator does an excellent job on our corgie. The last time I furminated the heck out of

I hope it works :-)

Given his current ratings, this is pretty excellent. I’m hoping to see another 2018 in 2020. I’d go into why the Rebubs all need to get kicked out, but I think we all know that.

Pretty simple if you consider what the kneeling is supposed to draw attention to.

I’ll tell you. The smallest f***ing province in the Russian Empire, that’s where!

I’ve gotten rid of frosting on Rx goggles using toothpaste. A friend, who’s a now-retired airline captain mentioned that that’s what’s used to de-scuff the chin windows in the cockpit (side note: ever wonder how either pilot can see forward when the plane is pitched upwards on takeoff? Yeah, there are little windows

Obviously some Trump supporters will defend this reallocation of Pentagon funds by saying that the military didn’t actually need any of these projects anyway.

One word: surimi

BTW, as someone who grew up learning that mammal retinas have two kinds of receptors (rods/cones) I find it fascinating that the ganglia connecting these receptors are also light sensitive - and might be an evolutionary hold-over.  And yes, blue light is exactly what they’re sensitive to, driving both melatonion

BTW, as someone who grew up learning that mammal retinas have two kinds of receptors (rods/cones) I find it

which found that many of us spend hours before bed with our eyes fixed on blue light-emitting screens.

which found that many of us spend hours before bed with our eyes fixed on blue light-emitting screens.

It’s not clear that the President was ever supposed to be like the Speaker - even when Senators were appointed rather than directly elected. 

But those encourage you to coil your cables, leading to tangles. IMO, much better to fold your cables. just hold both ends together, fold at the halfway point, then do the same with the pint together with the ends. When you unpack your cable from whatever tie you prefer (I usually use velcro) you can just hold one end

But those encourage you to coil your cables, leading to tangles. IMO, much better to fold your cables. just hold

I used to use rubber bumper pads for lots of things, but when they get old (10+ years) they get sticky. I’ve since switched to felt bumbers/pads, which seem to not have this issue - but it’s been less than 10 years since I switched.

I used to use rubber bumper pads for lots of things, but when they get old (10+ years) they get sticky. I’ve since

I’ve had issues with too-bright LED indicators. I tried a bit of celo tape darkened with black permanent marker. Worked fine. I’ve since discovered that I could just use the black permanent marker right on the LEDs - which also works fine.

I’ve had issues with too-bright LED indicators. I tried a bit of celo tape darkened with black permanent marker.