
Samsung isn’t producing them, yes - but there are some other battery manufacturers (e.g. Anker, RavPower) who do. There’s a market - plenty of folks who are still using this model. Eventually, I will switch, but the replacement has to be

I forgot to mention how when the major carriers stopped subsidizing the phone cost how our monthly bill was supposed to go down, that NEVER happened.

One reason I’ve been sticking with Samsung Note 4s is the easily replacable battery (a major ‘wear part’ on an electronic device). It literally takes me longer to get a new battery out of the packaging it came in than to pop it into one of the phone. Other factors are a large-ish high resolution OLED screen and the

Crazy AOC wants to ABOLISH the Electoral College. Let’s remind her this is OUR COUNTRY, not the Coastal Elites [sic],majority of voters”..

Here’s another one: I got a brain infection from having my teeth cleaned. Nearly died - and given the pain, I was pretty OK with that. I survived because of 3 things

Back in the 80s, my boss’s daughter got EEE. Coma, nearly died and still brain damaged. In care since then. She was an incredibly bright young lady.

Agreed. It’s going to take just a couple of years. The lens designers are already putting aspherical elements in line, it’s just a matter of applying this formula, building some test lenses, and, well, testing. The ‘couple of years’ is mostly the lead time between designing a lens, and getting copies coming off the

Very cool! For now, we’re all using lenses that are a bit (or a lot) sharper in the center than at the edges.

We’re all dealing with multiple Trumps. There’s Teleprompter Trump, Tweet Trump, Hiding Behind Helecopter Noise Trump. There might even be a Truth-Telling Trump, but I don’t think we’ve ever seen it - but if we do, it’s worth a headline.

He’s good at putting together code that finds what signal there is in the noise of polls, figures inherent error.


Absolutely. I’ve been there a couple of times. There didn’t seem to be much in the way of sealiife (fish, molluscs, etc.) Something about the high salinity, I’d guess.

It was for people who’d already invested in dumb speakers but didn’t fuss too much over the compromised audio quality that can come with streaming songs over wifi.

I do some photography post procesing. I have a 32" monitor that’s fairly close to me, so plenty of table behind it, so I can backlight with a simple ceiling light laid on the table. I’ve been using this one by Hyperikon ($16), a simple lamp cord ($3), plugged into a ‘slave’ outlet on a power saving’ power strip

I do some photography post procesing. I have a 32" monitor that’s fairly close to me, so plenty of table behind it,

With a dark sky, one challenge is getting the stars in focus - especially if your lens is wide open. I’ve had luck with a bahtinov mask with fine etched lines (the bigger plates you see for telescopes don’t work well at 20mm; they’re more for 500mm+

Tycho Brahe died of a burst bladder. Ditto Epicurus, although it’s not clear that he had a burst bladder, but stones making it impossible for him to urinate, so maybe renal failure(?)

While you’re looking at electoral maps, maybe have a look at Colin Woodard’s analysis based on his view that the US is made of multiple nations. He’s written multiple books, but I’m linking to one of his columns at Behind a paywall but you get 3 articles / month. Speaking of ‘nations’, he shows in another

I did a quick look - at mofongo. Yes, the place everyone I asked in San Juan where it was ‘the best’ recommended the place that was #1 on their list. I’ve already had mofongo there. I guess I just don’t like mofongo. I love Puerto Rico otherwise, but not their national dish. Sorry PR folks, I tried - I really did.

I’ve just set one of these up for my neighbor.

One approach might be to get a number ending in 000N. I’ve had a number ending in 0001 attached to my PBX for a long time - and no spam calls.