Who ya gonna call?
It’s a bit unfair comparing sweet cream butter (LoL) and cultured (KG) there’s a lot more going on than salt/no salt.
New Englander here, so the usual winter survival gear plus traction mats, collapsible shovel, jumper cables, flares, reflectors, old coverall, nitrile gloves, packets of hand cleaning towelettes, box of Kind bars, rechargeable headlamp and usb battery pack in center console, attached to 12V adapter, so constantly on…
To be fair, there haven’t been a whole lot of ‘sporty Toyotas’. Pity they stopped this model. It was like having a long term reliable baby Ferarri - and yes, I have driven Ferarris, dad had a Dino, coworker had a Testarossa - and a single Lamborghini... tractor :-)
Next up: How the Russians funneled millions of dollars through the NRA to the Trump campaign (or affiliated PACs).
My MR2 MKII turbo had a 6 speed manual. Reverse was top left. Nicest shifting car I’ve ever had. Mid engine, gas tank under the center console. Shifter was cable connected, but it was like moving a mouse once you’d put the heel of your hand down.
I don’t love racists being racist.. For every one of these incidents that gets turned into a viral video, there are at least 20 other people who’ve been victimized.
My MIL used to live in Honolulu (pretty strong sun in Hawai’i). Sometimes we’d have brunch at the Royal Hawaiian which was right on Waikiki beach, but under a pavilion(no sand, tile floor, but open where there’d be windows.
+1 on Tomatoland. I won’t buy tomatoes from Florida anymore.
I’ve been using Google Voice for, well, since before Google bought it. I don’t get spam calls on that number. This new ‘hamburger’ option might be an outgrowth of that - although it almost certainly means that Google gets to see your inbound numbers, if you care about that. (How else would they be able to tell an…
I pay attention to when I’m paying the bill (stupid easy as I do it by phone, can schedule the date, up to due date for the money to be taken from my bank account) and my current balance is always more than the minimum balance more than my current balance - so I’ve never run into this.
will be unlikely to bear the ballooning costs of their diabetes medications.
If Robert Mueller has had 2 years and all of the assets of the US Surveillance State at his disposal and has only been able to turn up diddly shit...
We are totally into nature conservation, is that “conservative?”
He’s not the problem. He’s a symptom. The problem is the roughly 80% of Republican voters who think that he - and the things his administration is doing - is fine. Because of them, the Republican controlled congress has been unwilling to act as a check as our founders intended. Sigh...
Using Discover? Call and ask for automatic payments. I have mine set to paying the minimum amount automatically, rather then the statement or full current balance. I almost always pay statement balance in full, but if I mess up (bill got lost under other papers, etc.) I’m just out some interest.
Android v7 and up has ‘doze’ which puts apps in background to sleep. There’s an app called ‘Naptime’ that lets you set that a bit more aggressively. If you’re rooted and want more control over, well, everything that’s going on, there’s Greenify. I’ve also had good luck simply underclocking the processor. I use OS…
You have to say “sorry!” every so often...
RIP William.