
If you’re shooting grizzlies with a 200mm lens, even on DX, you’re gonna need an extra pair of clean underwear.


And then miss the shot when a Grizzly bear walks across your scene a hundred yards away.

Japanese “very difficult” = not ever, ever going to happen

A lot of Koreans look Japanese. There’s some possibility that the Japanese people (as distinct from the Ainu) originally came from the Korean peninsula - and there’s been mixing since then (Japanese occupation of Korea). that said, there’s a very distinct Korean ‘look’ that is not Japanese.

Watanabe fan here. He was great in Inception, he’d be good here too, but whatever happens, props to Skrein.

We don’t see that with our front-loader, but our current one (Bosch) sometimes ties clothes in a knot. I liked our Maytag Neptune a lot better, but lots of Neptune owners had problems* which caused Maytag to go bust. there’s another manufacturer making washers and labeling them ‘Maytag’ now. The Bosh has the

Speaking of making your clothes last longer, there’s a huge difference between washers with an agitator and those without. Those without are typically front loaders, but there are some top loaders that work that way too.

A friend of hers seems to be supporting anything Trump does(though he appears to thoroughly enjoy being abrasive)

If you’re going to correct, use of ‘immigrating’ was not wrong.

Silver lining: when do you suppose the Latinx community will again vote Repub?

Really? I’ve gotta admit, I don’t know much Argentinian history, but I’m a bit surprised they had enough Blacks to ‘ethnically cleanse’ them. Importing them as slaves, then working those imports to death in mines IMO doesn’t count,

Well, yeah, but we’re working on that, had better luck in the mid 40s.

This hat being replaced got stolen in Orinda CA - by crows. My BIL got it back from them - a couple of days later. I’m still calling him “crow whisperer”.

Have you ever laughed at some old geezer who leaves a lot of browser tabs open? Well stop. The technique can help you on a slow connection. If you go to a page, then back, the ‘back’ destination page has to reload. Keep it open and you can go back just by by closing that new page.

Or assume they have hat hair - or worse: helmet hair. I’ll stick a hat on as soon as the helmet comes off. I’ve been sweating in there and the heat and dampness sets my hair into an... odd pattern. So a hat’s in the tankbag.

Tilley for the win! I managed to wear one out - and they’re sending me a new replacement. :-)