
Another guy with receding hair here. I comb it straight back. Why hide? The resistance to shaving is not wanting to look like a white thumb.

Exactly. as someone who’s had basal cell skin cancer, I’m hiding from the sun. Zinc oxide’s fine on your nose, but it’s pretty nasty in your hair.

Sure sounds that way, otherwise it would be something line ‘held without bond’ or ‘held in lieu of bond’.

Not my experience, but, whatever...

I got scammed. Ordered an air hose for my garage. they sent an already-opened mouse pad (!?). I went through the return process “wrong item sent” never received a refund. got no help from Amazon. Wasn’t enough $$ to do a stop-payment via CC (also probably too late given the way I kept giving them time). I think their

QoS plus IP destination ranges would let me turn that off. I use SNORT to get notified if someone’s streaming a lot, which might happen when I’m not home, as the local net has absolute bandwidth priority. I’ve never had that alarm bell ring (23+ years, multiple generations of firewalls). if you have a decent

Tell your friend about Google Voice. You either get a new number or you can port your cell number in. You set is up to call other numbers (say, home and cell, maybe office too). When you don’t answer the caller can leave a message, which GV turns into text and can then text/email it to you.

It certainly happens. They’re supposed to give way, but don’t always. I wouldn’t rely on a big ship paying attention to my AIS and changing course or speed to give way.

Do we know AIS was off? Is that SOP?

It’s a network lab in a home office, pretty normal for a lot of techies, although this one is impressive.

Full disclosure: other than WRT and Tomato I’ve had pretty much zero exposure to residential-level gear for the last 25 years. But, is it really that limited? Guess things have gone downhill...

Behind a DMZ, it’s NBD. If you’re relying on wireless security, IMO, you’re doing it wrong. It adds a layer, but just that. Why not be a good neighbor?

+1 on PFSense. Took me a bit to get past the netfilter/pf learning curve, but the web ui hides all (or at least almost all) of that.

I use 1.2-1.8TB per month

So, somebody has access to your DMZ - and they torrent. How would that work, exactly? Without access to the firewall?

You can only expose one device to the DMZ and that’s curtailing the firewall so again, what are you doing and why?

In France, do not use two fingers to indicate ‘two’. Instead, use thumb and forefinger (just watch people ordering stuff). Be willing to shake peoples hands - even in situations where we don’t usually do it, like at a cashier’s window in a bank.

Color me green - in Cuba and with a NatGeo Photog - paid for by Adobe(!)

Must be nice to have a bunch of static IPs. What ISP? Residential plan?

Nice to have it built in to a router, but I don’t do it the way you think. I have a wifi router, in access-point mode, connected to the ‘DMZ’ of a small-business-capable firewall. I don’t bother with ‘guest’ mode as anyone can connect - they just can’t get to the internal network, which is wired-only (I pulled a ‘home