Google ‘DMZ’. I do realize what I’m doing. IMO, as a network engineer, I’d ought to. I’m not relying on HTTPS but cert-based VPNs for internal access from wireless devices, wifi connected to DMZ.
Google ‘DMZ’. I do realize what I’m doing. IMO, as a network engineer, I’d ought to. I’m not relying on HTTPS but cert-based VPNs for internal access from wireless devices, wifi connected to DMZ.
Look at when those statues were erected. The height of resurgent racism, “Jim Crow”, the KKK. That’s what they’re celebrating. That’s why they have to go.
I find ‘Prosperity Gospel’ particularly appalling, but IMO, it’s pretty much all bad.
Slavery goes back to ancient times. I don’t know nearly enough African history to be able to say for certain, but I’d expect it was common there, too. The change seems to be in making slavery race based (if you look at the Greeks, it was military-loss based) and for life (Roman slaves often had a path to freedom and…
Came here to see if there was something I hadn’t learned about the way synchros worked. Matching revs is a given. Sigh...
Keep the electric and get a Caterham 7 to keep yourself happy on the weekends.
In the chaos post Weimar, and given the heavy reparations, lost territories and control of the Saar, you’ve got to admit that some kind of extremist group would make it to the top. The Nazis weren’t the only ones. And, for that matter, H had competitors within the Nazis. A classic history contra-factual is exactly…
Right click the word, then pick “add to dictionary”. done
Glory Road?
The German part would definitely have happened. Versailles pretty much guaranteed it. Some other person in the Nazis would have gained ascendancy. Best possible case might have been some other fascist group that maybe didn’t have it in for the Jews, or even a hard-on for expansion into the USSR.
Even more striking when you read about how Herr Schicklgruber loved to have organizational chaos around him, constant one power center fighting against the other.
Confederates did everything they could to split the country on the basis of maintaining those things HUNDREDS of years later
Wait, you can start one for your own local area? The only one nearby-ish is a town maybe 15 miles away. They (that other nextdoor) have my town listed, but the chatter is mostly centered on that other town.
bzzzt! thank you for playing but dietary fat is very much not the same as accumulating fat in your body. Google “de novo lipogenesis” for more info.
People here seem to prefer white meat. Hope they don’t catch on.
I tend to cook my chicken breasts still attached to the chicken. I get people raving about how moist and flavorful the breast meat is. added benefit: crispy skin. I do a very simple 1/2 hour at 425, rotate pan and drop temp to 325, take out when interior of breast hits 153. This temp/time sequence is pretty much…
I find myself thinking about how the guy in the black hoodie hurt his hand...
If you check, I think you’ll see that most of these statues date to 1890-1925. The ex-confederate states were trying to change what the war was about, changing their reason for secession (and the war) from ‘property’ (owning people) to ‘states rights’. Part of that whole make-the-war-about-something-noble was hero…
As soon as sweet corn is picked, those sugars start changing into starch, so you’ll have better luck with fresh picked corn - and it’s pretty wonderful to eat it in the garden, still warm from the sun.
The Roman legionnaires used plywood shields with metal edging. Worked pretty good for them.