If this engine is using compression ignition some of the time, what does that do for particulate emissions during that time? Is using gasoline somehow magically better? Or selecting the conditions that compression ignition is used mitigate this?
If this engine is using compression ignition some of the time, what does that do for particulate emissions during that time? Is using gasoline somehow magically better? Or selecting the conditions that compression ignition is used mitigate this?
As someone who lived through the cold war, I guess I’m a ‘old’... this does NOT feel worse.
Sort of. It doesn’t feel nearly as immediate. But then, I was on the East Coast, within range of the nukes in Cuba. At the time Khrushchev seemed more rational than JFK.
Trying to pin this one on Obama and/or Clinton? Go get some help yourself.
I was alive then - and had some friends (exchange HS students) who were Russian (well, from the USSR, one was Georgian, the other from Belarus). “We will bury you” is from the Russian phrase “I will bury you” which pretty much means “I will outlive you - and end up at your funeral” not “I will destroy you”.
Can’t use a tripod or a monopod? Tie some paracord to a 1/4-20 eyebolt. Screw the eyebolt into the tripod-mount hole in the bottom of your camera. Let the cord drop to the floor. Step on it, and while exerting a bit of upward force, take your picture.
If you’re a guy, dating, but not planning to marry, a woman with kids, be ready for the kids asking you “Will... you be our daddy?”. Yeah, she already talked to them about it, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be an end-run. You need to have talked to her about this, and what to say to them.
I’m an aisle-sitter and a get-up-and-stand-er. I’ve been sitting long enough and I like to be able to make sure I’ve collected everything I got onto the plane with before there are people trying to push past me because I’m holding them up. Also, I’d like the non-aisle sitter(s) inside of where I’d been sitting not to…
It’s pretty clear the defamation was intended to harm and was malicious - defendants said as much on social media. So it almost certainly included punitive damages.
You mean Comcast? Nah, that won’t work with them either.
That’s an old-style toilet with a chute for the water to come in and swirl the bowl. Last time I saw one of those was in an Edwardian mansion, water closet was up in the attic (3rd floor or 4th) and the flush came from that tank. Hadn’t noticed it until you said something.
Bingo.Came her to say pretty much this.It’s perspective. I can’t imagine having a recent lens that distorts like a fun-house mirror - unless I specifically bought it for that (e.g. LensBaby) And the older ones with minor distortion can be corrected in-camera if you’re producing out-of-camera JPGs, or with Adobe Camera…
Useful under a HDPE cutting board to keep it from moving on the counter.
Having gone to business meetings in hot places (Miami, WPB, Houston, NOLA), the secret seems to be light-weight wool. Found a tailor in WPB who turned me on to this.
I’ve worked in the commercial software industry for many years. Developers sometimes wear shorts as a way of saying: “Yes, as a matter of fact I am good enough at this to let hairy legs hang out”. One developer I remember wore shorts year-round (Boston area, cold-ish winters). That was the above plus “I an tough”, I…
My thought exactly. Makes me feel like a conspiracy theorist, though. I’ve read elsewhere (WaPo?) that McConnell might keep the Senate nominally ‘in session’ through the normal August break to Scaramucci-block recess appointments, like he did to President Obama at least once.
So... not Jeff Sessions? I’d thought that T45 might try to move him from AG to HS. Many of Sessions’ Senate supporters seem to want him to stay in place because he’s anti-immigration. They might be OK with this lateral move as he can still do that - and it leaves the administration with an empty AG slot to fill during…
If you’re going to Hawai’i anyway, the Royal Hawaiian has a brunch portico right on Waikiki. So you’re effectively on the beach, under shade*, having brunch.
Depends on the sensor size. Focal length and sensor size interact to provide field of view.As far as what would mimic ‘human vision, well, most of us can see around 114 degrees, but about 40 on each side is non-stereoscopic. It’s considerably less to the sides if you have to wear prescription eyeglasses - a major…
but any U.S. president will struggle to negotiate effectively with a foreign leader when his own government is dropping stiff sanctions on his country.