
It would have to, if it was a law, but it’s a regulation.

Congratulations pro-lifers! You’ve just upped the number of abortions - until we can get you thrown the hell out of control. This is not like pre-plan B, where you could enact regulations about where a clinic could be or even how wide corridors in on had to be. It’s OTC now. If you think every abortion is ‘murder’,

Also useful for making a roux when you don’t have time for standing over a pan, stirring continuously. Just stir, nuke, stir, repeat. If you let it cool between nukings, butter’s less likely to get nasty when you go for a darker brown.

If you want super-low-moisture gas to fill your tires, get a SCUBA tank, get it filled, then there’s a hose and tire-chuck adapter. I did this for years for both my race bike and my street bikes. Yeah, the moisture separators used for shooting lacquer are nearly as good - but track air? WTH knows?

When I was a teen, one night, coming home very late, I saw a skunk with his/her head stuck in... I think it was come kind of canned tomatoes can (paste?) walking in circles in the street and clunking the can on the ground every few steps.

If we’re going to get language-y, IMO the interesting thing that happened was, essentially, the same thing that happened when the Danes invaded; the language was learned by adult non native speakers who were in power. This forced a simplification, and is a major reason we aren’t dealing with complex tenses like the

Or how to use Google Translate.

If you’re thinking about 2018 elections, then stop hoping that he gets impeached right now. IMO Pence is horrible, too, but not whack-doodle crazy enough to bring enough Dem voters to the polls. I’m thinking of the Dem voters who couldn’t be assed to vote this last time, even though we knew how he was going to be.

Speaking of mass vs volume, butter is sold by the pound, typically in sticks with markers on the wrappers to make it easy to slice off a tablespoon. There are 32 TB in a lb, so each TB is 1/32 of a lb - or 1/2 oz or 14g.

I was just talking with a friend who’s run hotel f&b for years (GM now). He learned to make it in a half dozen bain marie pans as a weekly task. No reason you couldn’t make a smaller amount and store it for at least a week.

Also true in shooting sports. I competed with a pistol when I was a kid; got best results with Green Dot powder (a shotgun powder) because it was a relatively slow burner. Your projectile only needs to go fast enough to pierce the paper, and maybe operate the slide. I used to tell people it was a lot like darts,

Excellent example of planning*. This is a graduating class, meaning they’re about to become alumni. Now, what do you do with alumni? Yep, ask ‘em for money. And... what’s going to be the most recent memory these alumni take away with them? Expect to get a lot of ‘nope - remember that graduation?’ plus the occasional

Let her be on the screen - but the networks should run a clip of her talking about spying through microwave ovens every time they do.

He didn’t just reveal, but said he’d do it again.

Friends of mine had an... odd looking baby. Flash forward 18 years and he’s now incredibly good looking. Went to a party with him a while back and noticed that pretty much all the women at the party were tracking him with their eyes (that happens, right? first time I ever noticed it.) So if your baby has oversized

Baking recipes? If they’re not in weight, find a different website.

If you’ve got a digital kitchen scale, try putting a lightweight plastic bag over it (like a produce bag from the supermarket). Makes cleanup after measuring, say, honey or molasses, much, much easier (hint:toss the bag).

Totally agree on the euro-style whole milk yoghurt.

I live in MA. As an alternative to texting, I’ve been sending money to Elizabeth Warren’s campaign fund, with attached thank-yous for what she’s been doing.

Flynn was fired just 24 days later amid suspicions of ongoing shady dealings with Russians.