
The neighbor’s daughter, who used to go motorcycling with me (still a little amazed her parents were cool with her doing that as she was pretty young) walked the AT from Springer to Katahdin; he proposed to her at the top of Katahdin.

I heard something about him retiring, so either there or the Red Onion (best pizza in the area) - but I’m in Oquossic. If you’re looking for a seriously good meal check out Bald Mountain Camps. They do American Plan, so overnight guests come first, but if you call ahead sometimes you can get a reservation. Worth

All these words - and yet no mention of how through hikers smell. No comments about rolling the windows down.

Welp, Jeff Sessions says that marijuana is dangerous. Why not OD these guys on death row with pot?

The Dolittle Raid is more important than a crazy-brave thing done to improve morale - it also pushed the Japanese to over-extend, attempting to protect the home islands from any possibility of a repeat.

There’s a challenge on a motorcycle. Most roads are built with ‘camber’ (higher in the middle than the sides). When driving on the left, your camber advantage is reversed. Here you can go faster in right turns - you have a ‘bank’ made by your side of the camber. There, you can go faster in left turns for the same

I am also anti death penalty and wonder the same. They could easily use a mask with simple nitrogen to induce hypoxia. Pretty sure it’s painless; I’ve had a couple of near misses while flying an unpressurized airplane without O2. You just drift off. Or the battlefield medic standard for WWII soldiers injured to the

Don’t forget katsuobushi, which is flakes of bonito tuna that have been fermented/cured the way a country ham is. Check your local asian store.

Cobol was originally designed to be run on machines that had no stacks, and to be readable by project managers who understood business, rather than programming.

He’s violate

The man being dragged off looks to be Asian - maybe Han Chinese? Apparently Chinese social media has gone wild with this one, especially as there’s a long history of mistreatment of Chinese in the US.

I suspect it was a flight crew dead-heading to where they were to get onto (and run) a flight. The FAA has rules about how long a pilot can be awake and on duty (13 hours, last I checked). Maybe that made driving a rental impracticable - and United’s fuck-up was to put them in standby status, as would happen for

another four people needed to give up their seats for four United employees flying stand-by

Nope. Morgan predates this by quite a few years - and before that, Karl Benz’s first gasoline powered car (1885 or 6) was a 3-wheeler. There were external-combustion 3 wheelers before that.

The question is: how do we get Assad (and the Russians) to stop bombing with chemical weapons?

US citizen here. I went to school in Normandy in the 70's - and my US passport was dark green. It was a fairly magic color when traveling in Europe. If you were on a night train crossing a border, it was just a matter of leaving enough of the passport sticking out of your pocket that the green showed - and you weren’t

I found myself wondering what a “gin fan” was.

Good question! I’ve been reading that Mexico now has a huge influx of kids born in the US (so US citizens) of Mexican parents. When the parents were deported, the kids went too. (and many have to learn Spanish). If one of them dies, does the US-Citizen death toll go up?

Our new motto: At least we’re better than Saudi Arabia.