
“When you are given immunity ... you probably committed a crime” - Michael Flynn. Alt-right snowflakes can see the video here.

Married guy here. I have a best friend who’s a woman. We dine together on a regular basis. We both like to cook. Sometimes my wife is there when we eat - and sometimes not (scheduling issues, usually).

Interesting that there was/is a tribe/people named ‘Liberia’. I had thought that that was a made-up name (for the country) for liberated slaves (liberated/Liberia - made total sense to me when I was a High School student).

In New England, deer ticks, I guess for hydration, are often found on/around Japanese barberry bushes. It’s an ornamental that’s gone invasive. I’ve been getting rid of them by using a big propane torch.

FWIW, the disease ‘reservoir’ for Lyme disease is the white footed mouse. Deer ticks have to feed on a mammal with Lyme before they are carrying it.

Indeed - but they’re also likely to be running at the end of a 7 year loan. They’re famous for longevity. I had a 94 Toyota MR2 that went 20+ years / 200K+ miles. And I sold it to a collector. Great little car.

I haven’t read it, but it looks pretty good, as post-apocalyptic novels go.

Paper maps of New York and surrounding states. I have a terrible sense of direction, and God forbid I have to walk to my parents in West Virginia with only a dim idea of which way to go. I’d be all Blair Witch by the time I got to Pennsylvania.

HTTPS everywhere appears to fix this - from the client side.

Seems a little narrow - unless you’re her editor or are signing her paycheck.

Dolphin’s got a built-in ad blocker that isn’t bad. 

Exactly. The man managed to bankrupt... a... casino... Now that he’s done it, I know that it’s possible - but I’m sure you’ve got to make a long series of dumb-ass decisions to get there.

About the only blends I buy are paste-form curry spices*. The only way to replicate is with spices like galangal (Thai sort-of ginger) that doesn’t keep - and they need to be cooked together. I still put it in the pot early-on and wait for it to become aromatic.

Right after I made the leap to digital, I asked a fairly uninformed question in a dpreview forum (pretty sure it was the Nikon Dx forum). Answers were uniformly gentle. It was the kind of question a lot of noobs ask (does effective aperture vary with effective focal length?) so some of my respondents were explaining

From the title, I had thought this article was about how badly Perdue and Tyson have been treating their farmers. The farmers are ‘contractors’, own the farms, buy the equipment, go into debt. P&T provide chicks and feed. Money the farmers get is based on quality/size of grown birds.

I believe that environmental waste is keeping the USPS propped up.

If you’re a beginning photographer, I’d suggest Cambridge In Colour for tutorials and forums (good place to ask questions). If your questions are a bit more technical / equipment oriented, check out DP Review. Shy about asking potentially naive questions on a photo-equipment site? Maybe check the Beginners Questions

The Linux foundation is pushing to get as many sites as possible on the web to https. The project is called Let’s Encrypt - and is a Certifying Authority you can get free SSL certs from.

I see f/16 in a number of your recommended settings. Depending on your lens, you’re losing sharpness to something called diffraction. Without getting into an optics treatise (started to - deleted those paragraphs) I’d suggest f/11 or below. I stick to f/10 as a max aperture (smallest opening) but I use wide lenses.

They want to repeal the Affordable Care Act because they despise the man it’s named after