
I wasn’t talking about a chef’s knife (wrong shape, IMO) - and we might have different ideas on what constitutes ‘sharp’.

I’ve found that a sharp meat slicing knife cuts bread just fine and doesn’t generate crumbs like a ‘bread’ knife on loaves with a decent crust. 

6. Santoku knife. This is a knife with a rounded tip and a razor sharp edge, with little indentations along the blade so that whatever you’re cutting falls off easily (like potatoes, which stick to everything).

They do something similar in Fiji, where it gets hot and sticky. Mugs are kept on a block of dry ice. and have a little skim of water on the bottom. When beer goes into the mug, the ice at the bottom floats up, forming a lid. Fijian beer is brewed to be drunk very cold - the one in the article is probably as well -

If you read the proposal, it’s not about secession, exactly - but states rights to an extreme. And making Federal income tax either go away or get a lot smaller.

I do take comfort in the fact that many of those that voted for Trump are the ones about to suffer most.

I use a torch too - but I imagine the old-time way to make it is with a salamander - not the appliance, but a hunk of cast iron with a long handle, that, like a mythical salamander, lives in the fire. Pull it out of the fire, brush any ash off of it, hover over brulee, just a couple of mm over the sugar,

My point above was that they seem to mean LTE-A by LTE/4G, and something else by just 4G

US. Why? Do you think LTE-A and HSPA are not in use here?

“Paleo” just means “no-carb but don’t tell me that it’s a fad diet - I’m just returning to my stone-age roots”. The “this is what we evolved to eat” argument is just for shutting critics up.

Just did this at a friend’s dinner birthday party. There was a basket to stick money in. We could nominate charities and speak as to why that charity should get the money - and then we all voted on which charity would get it all, using instant runoff voting. My friend is very big on IRV, so using it was both a gift to to 8Mbps LTE / 4Mbps 4G...

Yep. Last time I was in RMNP (ages ago) I had a ranger start to lecture me about feeding animals. I was eating granola from a box (don’t judge!). I looked down - and there was a squirrel in my granola box. Not sure what would have happened if I’d reached in without looking.

I was in the hospital with a brain infection (from a dental cleaning if you’re wondering). I had an abscess and needed emergency surgery, then I was in the surgical ICU for nearly a month. Bill? Over 100K. My cost? 2K. But that was with decent health insurance.

... former Attorney General Eric Holder revealed that he’s been speaking with Obama about ways in which he can assist the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which Obama asked Holder to chair last year. The goal of the NDRC is to help tackle the Democrats’ gross disadvantages in terms of state

Whether GOP voters wake up or not, people who didn’t vote for him are awake now, and look to be pissed off enough to actually... vote. He did not have a majority. Do you think more people will vote for him next time? Yes, he’s got some time to grow the number of people who approve of him enough to vote for him - but

although file transfer speed is only 2 mbps UNFAIR!!!

I’m 100% against killing people - any people, no matter what they might have done. But... if you are going to kill execute people, why not a different method? There are a number of ways that could be used, if you’re going to strap your victim the prisoner to a gurney and you need to believe pretend that you’re being

But... isn’t it still o/s? Or is that just the Wave server? I built my own (using their sources) back when Wave was going to be a thing. They had this IMO amazing idea that you should be able to control your own data - by keeping it local. Servers were federated. If you had personal data on server 1 and you didn’t

Before you buy a brand new fridge