
They actually do a decent job. I see them in commercial kitchens. Not as good as spending hours with a whetstone - but I have better things to do with my time.

They actually do a decent job. I see them in commercial kitchens. Not as good as spending hours with a whetstone -

Or you could pick up a 2nd hand edgecraft sharpener on fleaBay. Victorinox uses hard enough steel that you can use the first angle plus honing. No need for the double bevel that edgecraft’s famous for. 

Or you could pick up a 2nd hand edgecraft sharpener on fleaBay. Victorinox uses hard enough steel that you can use

Bloody hell. When someone finds a bug in my code, I thank them. As a developer, it’s very much in my interest that they keep looking - and I want to encourage them. It’s a little hard to separate my annoyance-at-bug from thank-god-you-found-it-before-release, but not that hard.

He can certainly say “coming back here will violate your probation”.

if the Liberal Media hadn’t painted such a horrible picture of it and started trying to make it an offensive symbol.

McClain said, according to Fox 5 Atlanta. “It’s inexplicable to me that you weren’t arrested by the police that day.

Just went into my GApps GSuite control panel, to enable Keep - and it was already set to ‘on for everyone’. I haven’t been in the apps section of the control panel for at least a year, so

Besides going on vacation, obstetricians, like the rest of us, sometimes get sick or otherwise become indisposed, so ask to meet whoever fills in when they can’t be there - and use that as part of your process when deciding on an obstetrician

or running water over the toothpaste on your toothbrush to ‘set’ it

The be even more specific, it’s white evangelicals.

Sort-of true at Yellowstone as well, but get a just little bit off the paved paths that run from parking lot to ‘attraction’ and there are a lot fewer people. Go a mile, and they’re gone.

Landscape photographer? You probably have either TPE (the photographer’s ephemeris) or sun surveyor (android, dunno if this one’s on iWhatever). At least for Arches, a lot of the very best shots (e.g. sun rising/setting seen through arch) happen at less touristy times of year. Probably true for a number of other parks

I’ve often wished that, for Reconstruction, a value was set on each year’s stolen labor (slavery) in acres - and taken from the very people who were doing the stealing.

Only he won’t organize it; it’ll be his desperate-to-keep-him-away-from-the-TV staffers

Exactly. Their success was in keeping Hilary voters away with

I don’t think the scandal will drag them down; look at the states they ‘represent’. What will drag them down is their constituents finding out that they intend to kill the affordable care act - not something dubbed “obama care”.

Some airlines, like Virgin, let you buy a lounge day-pass as an add-on to your fare.

So? It’s cheap to go there now, and if you live on the US East coast it isn’t a painfully long/expensive flight to go there, like NZ or Chile.

This post deserves all the stars.

I haven’t listened to any of these - but am planning to as I’m a history nerd. If you’ve got a reverberant space, the fix could be a simple as a couple of sound absorption panels, which are easy/cheap to DIY. If spousal approval is an issue, get him/her involved in picking out the covering fabric - the panels end up