So... if you have to interact with any of those “the South will rise again” people, you can do what I do, and tell them
So... if you have to interact with any of those “the South will rise again” people, you can do what I do, and tell them
From reading the linked site, “functionally obsolete” does not mean that there’s anything structurally wrong with the bridge, it just needs to be bigger, or augmented, to carry current traffic loads.
When you go looking for whatever-it-is, pay attention to the first place you look. That should be the place you keep it.
If you are about to buy treats, look at the package carefully. If you see ‘China’ or ‘PRC’ anywhere on it, you are taking a risk with your pup.
I’m running a variety of LineageOS14 (Nougat) and ‘expanded desktop’ (which looks to be the same thing) is available as a quick tile. No idea if it’s in stock Nougat.
Currently* the best wireless security is WPA2-AES. If you have a wireless router inside your network, and not inside a DMZ, then turn that on. Instead of a random set of letters and numbers, maybe pick a couple of words plus a number string you already know, like an old phone number, old license plate.
Sounds like you live in the city. I don’t.
Yep, I do - and then connect to my internal network with L2TP (done via Tasker, so pretty transparent in use).
No point in ‘letting fly’. You’re probably talking to an intern. The place to put your energy is removing vote suppression next election or (slightly longer time frame) getting districts drawn more fairly. (white guy here, but Eric Holder’s one of my heroes). As they put it, voters should choose their representatives,…
you mean like “overlycomplexorhardtoremember”?
I’m white, but absurdly far from being ‘rich’. You’re Black? You’ve driven around in those towns? Been hassled? I don’t live in any of ‘em (again, not ‘rich’) but that general area. I had a chance to speak with our police chief about the signs.I was wondering if the local police would take them as anti-police. His…
Yeah, OK, I’m on the left. It’s not a matter of being ‘fickle’. It’s a matter of being overwhelmed. There are just too many fucked-up things going on right now. So it’s stupid-easy to get scattered. Personally, I’m putting my energies into 2020 redistricting.
It still matters to me and my neighbors. Well to-do exurb of Boston, very few minorities., other than Asian. It’s a matter of being aware of our white privilege - and the signs are a way to both remind ourselves of this and to make it clear to any Black person that this is a welcoming neighborhood.
There’s no evidence of voting machine tampering.
The Dewey/Truman polls were off because Truman support was rising rather quickly (national stump on a railroad - same one he’s on in that famous “Dewey in a Landslide!” photo) and the polls weren’t done all that often, So blame time lag.
There might be a routing issue*, but the larger issue is GPS (they pretty much don’t work indoors, so 911 has to figure out sort-of where you are by what cell tower you’re connecting through). Most phone GPSs reply on something called AGPS (assisted GPS), which only works if you have a data connection (basically, you…
Ah, a film guy. Me too, up to a couple of years ago. Exposing for digital is not at all like exposing a negative; more like transparencies where, once a spot is clear, that’s it, no recovering it in the darkroom.
but even a harsh midday’s sun can work if you just explore a little and take your camera into the shadows.
Put on some noise-cancelling headphones and read a book,...
Islamaphobic as in “Religions are bad”? You realize that that’s equal-opportunity religion bashing?