Bob Hope's Sex Machine

Didn’t EVERYONE know? Didn’t EVERYONE know that this is how Hollywood works? Is this a revelation at all?

Breaking News: Tarantino is a Piece of Shit. Nation is Unsurprised.

Gee I wonder who was responsible for making Gold Star families fair game last summer.


And frequently the back of a hand if they stepped out of whatever line they were mean’t to stick to.

Women were sacred=women knew their place.

“I just like to drive by her house, call her and then hang up... does she talk about or ask about me? I ain’t missing you at all 🎤”

People should by all means keep asking that question.

That actually looks like a lot of fun. Give me a sack of mushrooms and some CCR and I’d spend a weekend doing that.

“I hate Hillary, but even though the world is literally on fire, let’s talk about her emails.”

For a group of people that is pretty much on the record as saying they don’t like black people, they sure talk about them a whole lot.

Exactly. The only way he could pull something like this off is if they didn’t tell him. Since he’s such a warm and devoted spouse, I’m sure he’d pick up on that right away. Hell, she may have taken off ages ago and no one’s noticed.

Oh my fucking god. What a time to be alive...

It’s ironic because her husband has a body that’s double the weight it should be.

Okay, but if it was a body double, Trump definitely would say something like, “my wife Melania, she’s right here. This is definitely not a body double.”

Seriously, nobody “tricked” him into being an asshole to a widow of a US soldier. He’s just an asshole.

I teach college, and the day after the election, I had a pro-Trump kid insisting that the media was “biased.” I was not in the mood and turned the screws, asking him blatantly 1) what that meant 2) how ALL THE MEDIA was biased 3) how they would profit from said bias 4) how CEOS from wildly different backgrounds all

Conservatives don’t support the troops. They love the idea of supporting the troops, but when push comes to shove, they will always prefer a dead “hero” to a live veteran.

This is what bugs me about this shit. Fox immediately discredits the family and the MSM saying they didn’t verify the story. Trumples claims he has hard evidence that everything is a fabrication.