Bob Hope's Sex Machine

HAHA—I wish you all the stars. Woke up my partner, snorting with laughter


His shitshow wouldn’t play in Пермь or Peoria.

Here are but two of the plethora you can find on teh intarwebz on your own time:

Flake’s words were nice and all, but he didn’t vote against the 2018 budget or the ridiculous tax proposals Trump favors. Neither did Corker, or McCain for that matter. Usual Republican bullshit at its finest, and I don’t buy Flake’s criticism for a hot millisecond.

Well played, my fine fellow human—well played.

FYI—slavery became illegal in the US the latter half of 19th century.

My previous life was in performing arts, specifically opera. Did time for Mostly Mozart in that hall. We wouldn’t have any support for the arts in the US if it weren’t for philanthropy with all of its disgusting warts, politics, and ethically dubious nature. If ALL the arts (not just western classical forms) were

Ha—yes, yes I do. :D

+1000 KLF forever

Puerto Rico is a wonderful place. Puerto Ricans are terrific people who deserve far better than being given, in essence, a lack of democracy in exchange for protection. If there was a way for them to align with a completely different country that treats them better—I’m all for it. I don’t suggest this lightly, either.

He’s the magic, contrarian, know-it-all sky fairy who contributes nothing to the web or to the world.

Predatory lending factors into the equation for black and other non-Caucasian families that were able to secure mortgages. It’s in the venn diagram overlap between discriminatory finance and housing practices.

In this case, I don’t care about the distinction of growing up a poor white in America “around the accent” vs being Australian co-opting for economic gain + arrogance. They’re both pieces of filth.

Nor is it a particularly enlightened state that shuns racism, misogyny, discrimination. I grew up in the hinterlands of a different red state, and went to undergrad in Iowa. The Iowans I met were uniformly nice, but most were also uniformly racist—even moreso than the villagers I grew up with. I didn’t know a person

Seconded. NFL commentators and fans had very selective vision when it came to Ray. Watched the Ravens for his final ten years in the NFL, and he was frequently late on hits. His first 2-3 years in the NFL were amazing—but pretty much anything after 2000 was fairly mediocre. Putting on a big, enthusiastic show after

Ha—sorry about that. Was reading too literally.

Um, no. Trump garnered 53% of the white woman vote. That’s not because he appealed to “the poor”. You are correct in that Dems need to stop being centrist (i.e. the ever-worsening creep to the right), and focus on single-payer would be immensely helpful. But we have to stop acting as if “the economy/the poor” is what

In which case, I can’t wait for the Root’s shade and/or takedown of HamNo. It’s a long time in coming. 

Who needs a media team when Jez’s writers and regular commentariat orgasm over everything Tay Tay does?