Bob Hope's Sex Machine

America itself wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for moral licensing. It’s what we do best.

Damn, well done Michael. I’m still so happy the Root is here.

My first thoughts when Harvey hit Houston were about how all the ultra-wealthy motherfuckers (almost all who are white) tied to petrochemical companies and decades-long attachments to the federal government (shadow banking, the CIA, etc) would react. I know better than to think that there will be any empathy gained,

Your observations are in keeping with the now years-long trend of ascribing the best possible outcomes (no matter how remote or far-fetched) to any potentially positive change. The fawning over Trump appearing “presidential” at the State of the Union was equally over the top, and wildly Pollyanna-ish.

This, a hundred thousand times.

I haven’t gone through that cycle as often as you have, but the reason I’m on my current Kinja account instead of my original two is exactly because of this. Although I peruse and occasionally comment over there, fuck Jez is my general take. #PrideInBeingBanHammered

By jason1750's definition, though, operatic singing is also a sport. The Metropolitan Opera National Council auditions—in which I was a grand finalist years ago—is a competition of skilled individuals using their bodies for the purpose of (ultimately) entertainment. It’s demanding and challenging AND has a scoring

It features Bill Walton, but not his orthotics.

You’re absolutely right, and it makes me sick. Watching the debates, it was absolutely clear that he wanted to put her in a corner where no matter how she reacted to him, she would lose “bigly” in the press or in a significant portion of the American populace. No woman deserves to be treated this way, and yet we all

The Democratic party doesn’t care about doing the things that are inconvenient for it. I’ve argued before that it doesn’t give a fig about places like Kansas, despite the fact that the state elected Kathleen Sibelius. It’s hard to win over people the party openly despises (even those not necessarily entirely hostile

I love you for this comment. All the stars.

Yes. It is inherently white privilege to insist that they be allowed to speak, protest, be protected under the First Amendment.


I think it’s also an ego-centric in nature with him. His family’s immigration history is just fine because it him. His immigrant wives and their shared children are fine, because of him. If Melania divorced him and somehow Salma Hayek was on the market even though she’s a hugely talented, gorgeous but

Yeah, but does he actually use the pockets like a boss? I mean, stashing practical things that everyone needs like keys, foil-wrapped breakfast burritos, and actual kid-necessary accessories? Maybe not those things b/c he doesn’t have any kids........that he admits to. But I suspect his pocket game isn’t up to snuff.

This one is my all-time favorite. All the stars.


That’s a bullshit fallacy and you know it.

I admittedly think that if rich white jerks like Peter Thiel used their money to bankroll lawsuits against corrupt police departments to decrease the likelihood of police injustly harassing, harming, and killing black men.....I may not hate vindictive people like Peter Thiel. Justice and $$$ walk hand in hand in the
