Bob Hope's Sex Machine

It’s not for the benefit of anyone to defend white supremacists, save for the white supremacists.

If a person whose raison d’être is to remove or eradicate the presence or rights of others based on their ethnic heritage, skin tone, nationality—my first concern is not for the fascist’s fucking first amendment “rights”. Defending racism in *all* of its forms must stop.

If you’re an able-bodied person over the age of 18 who is roommates with a neo-Nazi or white supremacist you pretty much deserve any collateral damage that comes your way. Also, I’m also in agreement with confused little Peter: I’m sure that most of the time he’s simply a calm, mild-mannered racist.

Yes. Yes, I would. No regrets.

Other than Episode 8 and Diane’s character, it hasn’t been worth watching. Surrealism and abstraction can exist outside the realm of terrible Watched through episode 9, got sidetracked with moving out of our house, and haven’t gone back for any subsequent episodes. I don’t think I’ll die unhappy for not watching where

If only this fake account were our actual president. If only.

These assholes always seem to forget various sayings referring to rich peoples’ likelihood of entering heaven compared to camels going through a needle’s eye and whatnot.

Same thing that’s been wrong with Minnesota for decades. It’s not been a particularly nice place to non-white people, and “Minnesota nice” holds an essential philosophy that by “saying sorry” and bringing nothing more than a crappy casserole and standing together in a group (see photo above), that abuse and neglect of

Thank you. Oprah is synonymous with “marketing”, and she realized this 20+ years ago. I don’t blame her for recognizing her power and harnessing it for $$$ —after all, that’s the American way. But it diminishes how seriously or sincerely I consider anything she talks about or anyone she interviews.

It doesn’t cause you enough angst to rethink your strategy, and your unwavering ability to uniformly alienate—rather than convince—those of us that you’re arguing with. If this is your hill to die on, at least work convincingly and enticingly to bring others along. Otherwise, you are fulfilling a negative stereotype

Oh, honey, no—the Democratic party didn’t go left, which is part and parcel of why Hillary wasn’t elected. Hillary is very much a centrist candidate. Relative to Donald, she’s a leftist. Relative to the actual left on the political spectrum, she’s not even in the left ballpark. Barak is also far from “super

A hundred million stars to you. My in-laws live in Des Moines, and I cringe every time Krunkwich comes up. When Guy Fucking Fieri loves a restaurant owner—and he loves the owner of that place a lot—you know you’re not dealing with people who can identify appropriation. Fuck them so hard. And yeah—fuck Isha and others

Thank you. It is absolute fantasy that negative traits Trump voters idolize-greed, xenophobia, nationalism, misogyny—will simply “die out” with a generation or two. Particularly when many of those traits have been around in the US for decades, nay centuries.

Totally agreed. Also, taking away Minneapolis area cops’ guns is not a the worst next step, either, given the number of unarmed and/or unthreatening people and animals they’ve shot in the past two years. They’re clearly not doing well on the thoughtful de-escalation side of police work.

You’re still clearly an asshole.

Venmo-ing $1200 your way. Can’t do more at this point, but I fully endorse your plans.

It’s almost as if people fail to realize that sometimes, other people are just awful and oppressive. And if you give them a different form of government and economic system, they can still be just leverage the awful via the new systems. Who knew?

This, a hundred thousand times. Whenever I discuss politics with friends, I’m reminded most that my idea of a functional left will not happen in the US. At least not for the next 20-30 years, if ever. I keep thinking of the functional lefts in other countries where I’ve lived and worked.

A thousand hugs. I’m so sorry on all counts. I wish I could grant you a July 4th party re-do without the cruel assholes.

Still pathetic (but unsurprising) that the jury didn’t convict Yanez, and that Leary is the latest example of an idiot white male in an authority position who decides to use the words of Malcolm X to *defend the murder of a man who never should have had a hair on his head harmed*.