Bob Hope's Sex Machine

Seconded. I was hit by a roadside bomb and it absolutely destroyed my knee... I didn’t realize it was even a serious injury until my pants were cut off and I saw it. Seeing it was the trigger that caused the pain.

Happened to me when I dislocated my elbow. I had 3-5 solid minutes of “Hey, this looks terrible but it doesn’t feel so bad”, suddenly followed by “OH MY GOD THIS HURTS SO MUCH.”

Not adrenaline — it’s the endorphin.

The McCaffery one never seemed to me to be that bad to watch. It’s more in line with the unnaturalness of Lattimore, except this one seems worse to me.

The live feed of the injury wasn’t bad because Hayward’s body was blocking the view of the leg when he broke it. The audible “crack” when he landed on it, the announcer’s horrified commentary, and then the pan over of Hayward showing his leg bent in the wrong direction were the gruesome parts.

The clip begins with “He’s creating his own legacy.”

The fact it came through that loud and clear in an arena of 20,000 people is beyond fucked up.

I have never heard an audible “snap” like that. It sounded like broke a wood dowel right by the camera mic.

He was rotating while he jumped and it looks like his body kept rotating when he landed but like his foot stayed put?

“I’ve lived in a lot of countries where conspiracy theories abound because people feel like they lack self-determination,” a recently retired Foreign Service officer told reporter Jason Zengerle. “And a great many people inside State are now hypothesizing about what the goal of all this is. Why are they firing people

decent idea but that is a long time in the spotlight and if they don’t pick someone that has a spotless background it could backfire quickly.

I’m told a death panel is sitting 24/7 deciding on the future of Theresa May’s government. The only reason they haven’t come to a decision is because they’re too busy pissing themselves laughing.

I’m sure Fox will tell their viewers that she only got an appointment by lightly torturing a junior doctor and that the treatment consisted of a dose of illegal horse tranquilliser and a length of duct tape.

Wait, they told us here in Murica that you have to wait ten years to see a doctor over there because of socialism!

You mean she survived a visit to the Death Councils!!!!!1!11!

Cuz on the outside he looks like a white man, if he called them up and said Hi mi nombre es Cuban Alfredo theyd hang up on his ass so quick.

And it’s fed by right-wing media. That “ISIS coming over the border” nonsense was pulled straight out of Frank Luntz’s ass and broadcast over Fox, Limbaugh, ClearChannel, and the rest in their network of paranoia and delusion.

Sympathy? No, you should feel sorry for him or pity him perhaps but no sympathy.

The question is, why the fuck is Border Patrol listening to a guy like this? He is clearly in need of some kind of help, but they just take him at his word when he claims that he someone is in the country illegally.

So Rusty is a pre-internet troll? I should have sympathy for him but fuck that, you don’t deport people because you’re mad, sad and lonely. That’s some psycho shit.