Bob Hope's Sex Machine

As an Chicagoan now living in Wisconsin, I was surprised to see it lumped in.

What the hell are Michigan and Wisconsin doing with the good States?

It’s IN THE NAME. US VIRGIN ISLANDS. *slams head into wall*

I mean, it’s called the fucking U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS! It’s not even a thing you had to have learned at any point that it’s part of the U.S., it’s right there in the name.

A lot of them have said “not” Terry Richardson. Which just goes to show how many creeps there are out there. These stories are so heart breaking. I’m not even sure why I started following Cameron Russell recently but I have been reading each of these accounts and it’s just heartbreaking. I’ve been moved to tears on a

This is heartbreaking. Most of these models are just kids and so vulnerable and often away from home for the first time with no one to protect them. At least Eileen Ford had young models staying at her home with a curfew and people to look out for them. Jerry Hall said it was so boring staying at Eileen’s but the

Seeing most comments are referring to Terry Richardson, but let’s make no mistake here: abusive photographers are extremely common in fashion. They are on sets, day in and day out, with direct access to vulnerable young women. Richardson’s brand of photography is particularly provocative and he looks like a pretty

Speaking of all this: How IS Terry Richardson still walking around free, anyway?

No proof, not story? Ronan Farrow had plenty of proof and nbc news still wouldn’t run the Weinstein story.

Yeah I saw my redneck relatives sharing dumb lies on Facebook for years and (naively) thought it was just stupid and wouldn’t be of any consequence. I also kind of figured Facebook had a vested interest in wanting the information on their platform to be true. Stupid me. It’s like a news company that has no obligation

They are the worst, and the more you learn the harder it is to have anything to do with them. I got fed up last year and deleted, no regrets, but it’s like trying to combat climate change.

Typical Deadspin. Nobody appreciates the gravity of this story. Least of all Perkins or Kennedy.

+1 gunman

Sad story but when ranking climbs, I still think the most famous climb involving a Kennedy was when Jackie climbed onto the back of the limo in Dallas back in ‘63.

FreeRonHello_America, Laser-Focused

I, for one, think it’s inspiring that his beans stand for the National Anthem.

It might not be fake, in my opinion.

There is no Constitutional Right to criticize Trump or say mean things about him, no matter how true, because the Constitution doesn’t say “Trump” anywhere in it.

Trump: “Frankly, the 2nd amendment should shoot the 1st amendment dead. That would be something very good for the American people.”