Bob Hope's Sex Machine

This felt like real jab at Huma, though. Like, “I had the power to crush your career with one dick pick, how about that bitch?”


My comments to Cylontater expressed my personal beliefs. My regret is that my comments and the public way I made them painted Spinal Tap in an unfair light. My respect for the band and my bandmates remains unconditional.

How dare you attack a Bowling Green Survivor! Have you no morals, sir?

Didn’t much help his wife’s boss, either.

Broseph just announced that he destroyed his wife’s career as a matter of record. That is a deliberate and abusive power move, not a regretful tone of remorse. Disgusting.

My Father was an Air Force Air Mobility Command Officer (Now Retired). I’ll let his email to me speak for itself:

Wait, you forgot Ted Nugent!

She’s always seemed pretty cool. This just confirms it.

Queen Serena, yes. I love how the NYT points out, after all Sharapova’s scary descriptorss, that Sharapova is actually five inches taller than Serena. Also, Serena was surprisingly smaller than expected when I met her in person. She’s muscular, but not as broad or thick as I thought she’d be from the televison. Other

Don’t forget Kirk Cameron.

It was that she was literally hearing the voice of God, but neither she nor anyone around her could figure out if it was real or some kind of delusion. I found that show actually quite funny, poignant and unusual. Not “highway to heaven”/”touched by an angel” at all. Often there was no feel good ending or even any

Let’s add Antonio Sabato Jr. to this list.

James Woods doesn’t think a 24 year old dating a 17 year old is bad. He thinks a 24 year old guy dating a 17 year old guy is bad.

Even if you could somehow remove the other context (like, for example, that Jamele Hill was absolutely correct), this is the White House press secretary openly calling for a private organization to fire a journalist for criticizing the President. That is fucking insane.

Good god this is so stupid I can’t even bring myself to read all the words.

well said.

God, his parents must be so proud. Kid is only 18, he’s barely out of high school, and he’s already spewing meaningless buzzwords and billing for utterly useless services like a consultant two or three times his age!

Stillman: Gen Z loves references. Remember I’m On A Boat?

Q: Why do you think you were chosen for this role, as opposed to someone more qualified or experienced?