Bob Hope's Sex Machine

Some years you just leave the winter clothes in the armoire and then BAM it’s winter again GET OUT OF MY CLOSET CHRISTIE

I’ve got a theory that has no basis in fact but I believe it to be true anyways. Contador’s glorious fuck you to Lance in 2009 reduced Armstrong to a whiny, passive-aggressive mortal. It forever destroyed Lance’s aura of utter and complete dickheaded dominance. That more than anything led to his downfall, for better

It’s gotten cleaner but yeah people who pretend like Contador was the last or only doper are willfully ignorant or simply just wrong.

Just a small correction: You mention that he is now five years into his sentence, having been sentenced in 2012, but 2012 was actually 97 years ago.

the last vestiges of an evil era that the sport needed to move on from.

Has anyone ever seen Bigfoot and Harambe in the same place at the same time? Makes you think.

Bigfoot, huh? For a second I thought that was Harambe.

That “most qualified person ever to run for President” thing is really ridiculous spin. Clinton is pretty qualified, sure - Secretary of State, Senator, various policy initiatives in her husband’s White House, work as a lawyer and on Wal-Mart’s board of directors.

But there have been plenty of Presidents and

A week from now, this comment will be the basis for an argument against the existence of Bergen-Belsen.

What the fuck are you even angry about? That she lived in three places?

Well, at least the angry people in the midwest got what they wanted and Trump solved all their problems. How nice for them that they have no reason to be angry anymore.

To use a historical example, technically Anne Frank died of typhus or typhoid fever, but no-one seriously disputes that the Nazi regime was responsible for her death.

One other factor in her loss.... the election was stolen. Not only did we have Comey’s announcement and constant fake news online but hundreds of thousands of likely democratic votes were thrown away in key states and many states made it more difficult for students, urbanites and minorities to vote as soon as the

As if winning elective office were something that she was good at and that  defined her career. Let’s keep in mind that Hillary has exactly one more election win than Donald Trump. Her first win—taking a beloved Democrat’s bullet-proof Senate seat upon his retirement, in a state which she had essentially no

“And why wasn’t it over after 2008?”

Very impressive. Every time I try to imitate college I end up unspeakably lit and lose a shoe.

As a member of the V-club who has fathered exactly zero children post procedure (despite what my urologist called a large vas deferens (I think he probably always says that)), I’d be quite suspicious of m’lady if she kept getting pregnant. Or I’d conclude my Dr was a hack. And one thing you don’t want is a hack around

I saw Drowning in Deleware play back in ‘03 at the Troubadour. I don’t even think they were a real band; I think they just called themselves that to mock the Counting Crows tribute band they were opening up for.

1). Heart attack during threesome.