Bob Hope's Sex Machine

Hey! Even though I tend to agree with the opinion that your last paragraph is a bit hyperbolic, raising a child is an awesome thing. Plus it’s not as if you’ve sat out for 10 years, ignored the market, and expect to be hired without putting in any work: when you didn’t get offers or interviews, you decided to

Three cheers to Katie Stanton. One of the most frustrating (to me) things about the past couple of years is the steadfast support that Twitter and Facebook give to Trump’s bullshit, Trump’s own generated fake news, fake news supported by Trump’s fans, and abusiveness. Social media platforms bear responsibility, and

Thank you. Fact is, we don’t view voting as a right. We don’t—as you’ve clearly pointed out—treat it as something that is (or even should be) accessible to citizens.

Yes, and yet people keep feeding them online and in the physical world. Acting as if they have any legitimacy at all. Hell, millions actually idolize trolls. Which is why we have a professional one in the White House.

He sings. He dances. He looks good in pantses*. That’s all I’ve got.

I work in public health, and I do want to kick colleagues who think that it isn’t “that hard”. OK—make sure then that we get fresh fruits and vegetables into food deserts. Oh—you think that food deserts only exist in urban areas? How about rural parts of the country that don’t have access to these things as well?

Death panels were actually *their* goal all along.

Thank you for writing about sickle cell—awareness and reminders about conditions like sickle cell are important. I’ve been working with a MN physician residency program to launch a sickle cell-focused rotation. Still not where I want it to be, but it’s at least moving forward.

I’ve never wanted a “jury of my peers”. I doubly don’t want one, now. Only friendly toward maladjusted authority figures.

This is straight-up murder; indefensible, which I knew it was even before watching the footage. The StarTribune commentariat in particular is loathsome.

I’m an unaffiliated lefty voter dying for a viable third party.....hopefully with left-leaning tendencies because we need more of a strong left presence in the US in addition to the Dems. However, the Greens and 99% of the other “third parties” out there can’t be classified as “viable”, and with good reason. Jill is

Haha no joke. After all, trans fats (not saturated) were identified in the 1950s as problematic, but it took a lawsuit against the FDA in 2013 to finally ban trans fats. Concentrated coconut oil is essentially MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil, which may contribute to higher triglyceride counts which are

What the ever loving hell is wrong with him? Why the fuck would anyone do this? (hurling into a corner)

DJT has spent an entire lifetime working up resistance to the vindictiveness levels seen today. Despite his aversion to working out, he trains his narcissistic pettiness at the same level as a world-class runner.

Incredibly well put. Thank you. (That is all).

Hell—even when Hillary is overtly caught chastising young dems who don’t tow her line, people pretend it doesn’t happen. It happened several times in Minneapolis during her campaign. Her tendency to engage in said behavior is not a secret. I voted for her ONLY because she was better than Trump. Which isn’t saying much

Horror known. Those “upright citizens” include my in-laws. When anyone criticizes Steve, their response is that Steve is “misunderstood” and was “misquoted”. Good God-fearing whiter-than-white evangelicals. Yay.

Missing basics like this is the hallmark of Paul Feig’s career—the existence of said career mystifies me. He cannot see non-white people as anything other than accessory characters fulfilling stale stereotypical roles. 99% of his work revolves around white characters doing very white things. And I also am

Surprised daddy Donny Sr lets Jr waste his life force like this.

Ha—off topic, but props to your name change. Also, your perpetual use of a symbol from “Seven and the Ragged Tiger”. /end