Bob Hope's Sex Machine

If we’re going to go down the road of amateur-hour mortality and morbidity lecture for the commentariat—was she febrile? Do you have an H&P on her to know when her surgery date was, as well as her post-op care plan? How many partners she does or does not have? When was she last tested for STIs?

Olga’s worked in the art world long enough to have known better, vis a vis in educating through deliberate, conscientious displays vs frivolously handling, oh, everything. Taking my cues from her, I’m off to draw on the Mona Lisa with chalk.

All the stars to you, your tenants not just here but in life. Awesome.

Most of the new followers seem to be non-consensual additions back to the POTUS and DJT accounts. Granted, some are Twitter bots but others are people who purposely blocked the aforementioned accounts and yet are following without having changed their own settings. Social media (the Twitter and FB) are slimy.

Although it’s sickening, at least the Multnomah GOP leader is honest in openly equating the GOP with alt-right. Fuck.

“Dropped on her head a few too many times” is the only way Lockett *might* have an out on this sort of thing. Even then, no out. FFS.

It’s also a significant problem for the Republican party in not having revoked Trump’s status as nominee when the news broke. Non-consensual advances and actions, widespread misogyny, infidelity sprees in Republican all-stars like Gingrich, barring women from accessing reproductive health card and resources: it’s

I’m not a regular on the social, so I just stumbled across your and your infant daughter’s status for the first time. All I can say is.....

If ONLY the demon barber of Fleet Street made his way to New York to drain Eric of all his concerns.

I cannot remotely give you enough stars for this. Well done.

Giving free birth control and abortion access is only one step in breaking the cycle of poverty—a significant step, but by far not something that breaks multi-generational systems that reinforce poverty.

Poverty is also systemically supported, due to the economic system and ridiculous adherence to moralizing about individuals’ decisionmaking—instead of reinforcing and strengthening communities and society. See also our fundamental, systemic stances against “access to quality health care for all citizens”, “access to

Yup, and here’s why: final grades are almost never posted as of the commencement ceremony—unless you wrapped your coursework in a previous semester and are being allowed to walk in a later ceremony. The centralized degree audit run by the registrar’s confirming you’ve met all program requirements isn’t complete

Absolutely right. Also looking at these covers the photoshopping fails are amazing. Flatness of Aishwarya’s hands on her Feb 2011 cover—yikes.

For me, as soon as Trump clinched the Republican nomination I knew it was over. I loathe the orange bloviator. Despite having elected Barack Obama for two consecutive and wonderful terms, we are a socially conservative and vindictive nation. Hence, Trump.

I challenge that this is a new problem with a click-baiting headline. I ride past the stadium on a daily basis, and the zinc panels were known to be a problem as far back as winter 15/16. On the main entrance on the east side, ice would overhang the doorways on a diagonal, on the same side that a leaky gutter was

Yes. I see this from a public health perspective in the Twin Cities. To say that it’s difficult to see white, male gay men essentially live a very comfy, privileged life—while adolescent and young adult queer or transgender POC individuals who are homeless (for a variety of reasons, for a variety of durations),

Haha—what state university reimburses a 30% tip? I work for UMN, where the cap on tip reimbursement is 20% of the purchased amount. That said, accounting clusters seem to have more and less discretionary views on hospitality charges.

Also sad, because he clearly is too far gone to name-check the two black people he knows: Ben Carson, and Omarosa, The Alienator of All People.

I’m an upper-midwest liberal who, from ages 2-18 lived 40 miles from the geographical center of the lower-48 states. In case you don’t know, the center point is close to Lebanon, KS, which is close to absolutely nothing.