Bob Hope's Sex Machine

There are not enough stars for this. Not enough.

I can’t believe I’m doing this, but +100000 (ruefully, very ruefully)

Customs officials are enjoying their free rein to be assholes. It’s not just LAX where this is occurring. A colleague (and US citizen) returned to the states via Minneapolis/St Paul airport from Barcelona this weekend and was detained because of his last name. He is definitely not Caucasian, nor is he from any of the

Each Trump voter bears the responsibility of having placed him in office—regardless of the myriad reasons. We cannot continue to cater to xenophobia, misogyny, misandry “just because”. The reality of this election is that it showed exactly how many individuals favor authoritarianism over democracy. In order for the US

I agree, and yet I’ve grown weary of the general discussion about the philosophical approach Democrats should adhere to. I see one form of purity soundly critiqued, but in favor of simply a different form of distilled purity. While defining core platforms is incredibly important, the focus cannot perpetually place

Jackie fucking Evancho is not an opera star. For real ones, try folks like Luca Pisaroni, Olga Peretyatko, Lawrence Brownlee, Angela Meade, Ryan Speedo Green. Among many, many others.

Time to bring back the interlock charts, ladies and gents.

Fantastic—very happy to see you!

This. Fighting over preferred pronouns in no way, shape, or form actually pays a living wage to anyone—even those who are discriminated against by immigration status, gender, etc. “Cultural appropriation” arguments don’t help the refugees my colleagues work with find accessible, reliable health care resources within

This is why we can’t have nice things. Good lord.

Except when the symptoms of recurrent head trauma kick in later in life, all the regret in the world plus blame and lawsuits to go around. 

Weirder still is that the county prosecutor isn’t pursuing rape charges against the player that she told “no, please stop” to. That interaction itself fits the county’s definition of rape.

Clearly you haven’t been following along. The U’s EOAA report is far more comprehensive and longer than what the Hennepin prosecutor’s office has or has released. Due process by EOAA has been followed, and it was clear that the Gopher players who fomented the boycott didn’t understand how the process worked. Neither

The Republicans have been villainizing for decades—this isn’t new. What is frustrating to me as an unaffiliated lefty is that *now* is the time that my fellow progressives feel the world is falling apart and *now* in theory is time for action. Not all the other decades before, when villainization as core tenet of

UMN admin here, and I totally support you and your observations. The gods and goddesses over in EOAA do an incredible service to university employees and students. It is not my impression that Kaler and the AD are devoted to protecting student safety. In this instance, the overwhelmingly awful behavior of the Gopher

Except that those of us who figure it out—the not sticking around in a crappy relationship—at age 20 spared ourselves a lot of unnecessary drama and abuse. It meant I dated quite a few men. I ghosted and was ghosted. But it also meant that when I found Mr. Bob Hope’s Sex Machine, I knew he was the right one. 20 years

Let it go. Please, let it go. I dislike Hillary’s inherent racism—racism that most of the white portion of Democratic party can’t get enough of—and still voted for her. Hillary’s not in office. Sit down and think about whether or not continuing this particular line of argument is productive in any way. It sure as fuck

+1000 if this were Deadspin, and all the stars

The watch is a thing of beauty. Not suspicious in terms of taking bribes in the least—but beautiful.

IF Barron has autism, Trump using his time in office to bring awareness would be far too altruistic, civic-minded, in that bettering the public health in the US wouldn’t bring him $$.