Bob Hope's Sex Machine

Five hundred thousand stars to you. As an unaffiliated lefty—for all the reasons you mention—the total lack of introspection, honesty, and self-awareness from Democratic establishment is what is killing them. This truly was their election to lose, and they did it with style. I voted for Hillary as the lesser of two

Dying. All the stars today. All of them.

All the stars. ALL the stars.

I’m sorry--but if you don’t see as racist and wholly dishonest and discordant the problem in wooing and speaking nicely to wealthy, older, “respectable” black people in the ‘90s while throwing their children’s generation under the bus of the justice system--no one can fucking help you.

6. Is a feminist in the same manner that she is racist per your point 2. She has no tolerance for younger women who are active in the political process, but challenge her from the left. She actively undermines them.

I see you’re a fan of the Trump school: “many Somalis in Minnesota, largely reject those values”. Not only are you horrifically general, but you smear them. I personally know upwards of 100 Somalis (how’s that for specific?) who send their girls to public schools. Women and wives who are independent, drive, hold jobs,

After listening to Trump’s, er, “vignette”, his speech style mimics shiba inu doge memes.

All the stars, Gristle. All the stars. +1

Pneumonia is hard on anyone who develops it. Any other brilliant observations, doktor?

It’s still 1954 in Minnesota, per CJ. Jana is a class act and her reporting is top-notch. In other words, everything that CJ has never been.

Diphthongs as related to American diction are so much fun. Without going too far into the weeds, “wild” is a one-syllable word with no “uh”. I am lazy and don’t have any of my IPA fonts on my cell phone to explain why it’s one syllable even though it’s an auditory combination of two vowel sounds. Also, b-dubs, and


Yes, as a matter of fact. One calendar week after receiving the email from HR to expect to see the offer—and having received no offer—I gently emailed the HR rep who informed me that they were no longer hiring for the position at all. An acquaintance who works as a curator at said museum let slip to me that the

What you describe in your final paragraph happened to me 2.5 years ago. A well-regarded museum director posted a position for an assistant to replace her departing, retiring assistant. I was the hands-down preferred candidate, taking time for three in-person interviews with not only said director, but other museum

Holy shit that was amazing, in a terrible and sobering way. Thank you for posting it.

This, and her record of voting in favor of legislation that is financially damaging to women leave me cold to her. I am also voting for her because Trump. But she’s no friend to women, unless said woman benefits her directly.

Nothing on the various cults of kettlebell: hard style vs. girevoy? Married to a girevoy competitor, and I haven’t met a kettlebell enthusiast that I haven’t been thoroughly annoyed with within 2 minutes of meeting them. I tolerate my S.O.’s obsession.

Oh please—a self-appointed scholar such as yourself should know the context of “love your neighbor as yourself” referred to Jews treating fellow Jews well. It was not intended to be the “be kind to everyone” spin. The original source material for that saying comes directly from Leviticus, describing differences in how

There are actually quite a few ancient and religious texts that depict deplorable human behavior. Introduce yourself to Joseph Campbell if you’re new to the field, because he examines quite a few.

The weasel is somehow board-certified in IM, although he hasn’t kept up with MOC. Given that ABIM temporarily suspended its MOC after years of complaints of ineptitude and being overly-cumbersome, will let that penalty slide.