
Where is the racism?

Some have already been turning to China because China doesn’t care how much they abuse their citizens. China doesn’t lodge protests when they execute homosexuals or beat women. It doesn’t care. But they have learned that the Chinese self interest is far greater than the US and some are turning away.

OMG, this is terrible, their people might refuse to come to the US, and their governments might refuse to take our aid packages...... Saving us billions of dollars.

Not the mark of the beast. A number attached to your name that identifies you.

Glad you are happy with your every economic activity being tracked and cataloged, then a copy sent to the NSA and your insurance company.

A high end business might turn away cash to maintain a high end customer base and avoid the rich folks going away because of all the poors hanging around.

disagree with hamno about many things, but the universality of cashy money is not one. Untraceable currency exchange should always exist.

This is an awesome burn.

Whenever I hear discrimination claims as a cause for incarceration I always wonder how about half of US homicide victims come from 6% of the population.

Oh, so it came from Tumblr, that’s much worse.

Trump taxes wealthy slightly more on something. Splinter suddenly finds that bad.

Ugh, I meant their, not there.

Better news, the illegal aliens in prison awaiting a hearing can end there incarceration by pleading guilty and accepting deportation.

So he isn’t doing as well because the easy ones stopped coming?

Meh, I didn’t write the picture, I would have tagged it with communism, not socialism. Because I am well aware that socialism is a bit different. I don’t usually mistake the welfare state for it. I digress.

Yep, just capitalism, please ignore all the mass Graves from attempts at communism.

Didn’t they already promise to do just that?

I would, but it’s lunchtime so I think I’ll pass.

I used to use basically no cash. Then Snowden happened and I learned all my purchases were databased and stored indefinitely.