
Been accosted by a bum at 1:00 am at a random interstate gas station?

Its good advice with a dumb reasoning. Muggers don’t want to shoot you. But, if you throw a decoy wallet or a money clip then run, they will grab the cash and run as well, It’s what they want.

You don’t want the kind of enlargement they offer.

Best take I have seen yet.

After years of feminists complaining that some sectors of the economy are not accommodating enough attract them to work there, you can fuck right off with this attitude.

Look on the bright side guys, when the internet itself isn’t neutral you can lobby isp’s directly to silence speech you don’t approve of, instead of merely shouting them off the main platforms and onto their own alternative sections of the net.

According to the cdc (as of 2010), black women are twice as likely to have a child in their teens, and 73% of black births are out of wedlock. (whites are 29%)

Oh yes, it’s terrible, I just searched and found this article, is this the one you were talking about?

They just released the shooters identity as a young white man, I wonder if that will have any affect on the way the news cycle treats the shooting.

2.5% of the US population died in a civil war to end slavery.

Well, a legal resident is supposed to turn themselves in, preserve evidence and plead their case. That’s what most law abiding Americans do for an accidental/negligent discharge.

People who work.

Clearly I am not saying that. But it’s also clear that you have no desire to actually understand nuance and instead choose to go “eww, gross”

>Love that this dude’s argument is that post puberty it’s totally cool, like this 13 year old girl got her period so now it’s fine to be attracted to her.

Zero megs.


And I always figure that the folks refusing to recognize the difference are jumping on the blame train to avoid the kind of backlash I got.

At least somebody gets it.

Never, I recognize the very valid reasons behind the laws we have in place. I just find it stupid to ignore that human beings are in fact animals, and finding post pubescent humans attractive is perfectly normal.

I had a job in the past that involved manning a desk for hours at a time. Pre-smartphone era (barely) and the desk computer was filtered. I read so much Wikipedia.