
This actually less hazardous than splashing gas on your shoes when getting a fillup.  No story here folks.

I’m no pilot, never had to deal with engine failure or the procedures involved in such, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and am a Kinja commenter, so I think I know best.

That’s the only logical conclusion to draw from this.

A clear indication we need a national crash program to fit the passenger jets with afterburners.

There is always the “dump and burn” alternative.

And every mechanic that has ever been doused with fuel is thinking “What’s the big deal? Sounds like a normal Tuesday for me.”

So, the consensus is that Russia interfered in our election process by posting fake articles and ads on Facebook and other social medial platforms bashing the other candidates and promoting trump.  Critics strongly believe that Facebook and other social media platforms should make sure that their postings are all fact

You can’t have it both ways.

And yet this article was posted, apparently irony-free, next to advertisements for the China-produced “Baby Yoda Funko Pop” figurine, which is a hunk of plastic that has to have all its edges smoothed away to create the perfect replica of a non-speaking TV character. The more they sell, the more micro-plastics will be

Seems the number of homeless in the US is due to spike shortly following the number of people beating their heads on the wall due to Trump rants...

This might trigger someone.. fair warning.

“The Sun underwent an increase in its energy output, especially in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, at the end of the Little Ice Age, and there was a lull in major volcanic eruptions.” So the warming between 1850 to 1950 was:“consistent with warming caused by increases in solar output and decreases in

It’s already too late and it’s been too late for quite some time. People will never change (myself included), at least not enough to make any effect on the planet. It’s just a foolhardy way of thinking to think we’re capable of such a thing. There’s just too many people on this planet and too many that embrace a life

Beat me to it.

Hoping there’s no GMG subtext in you posting this. I’m still mourning Splinter and Deadspin.

Sir, this is an Arby's.

I mean 9.75 times out of 10 you want to do the opposite of what the UN says, given that it’s populated solely by politicians that their home countries wanted to shut up and go away.

...most of this article comes across as someone being bitter that a movie they didn’t like became hugely successful.

Hard to take seriously your hot take.

The author of this article is a racist. No one except clickbaity left-wing bloggers viewed this story through a racial lens. People love The Joker and it’s a well made movie, of course it’s going to do well.