
In 2010, someone clarified Wikipedia’s entry on religious slurs, adding additional material to the entry for “clam,” a mean word for members of the Scientologist church.

I think its influence is based on its number of members, not its number of employees.

I’m always pleasantly surprised when someone in the Gawker family does actual journalism.

You don’t want a civil war. none of you on ether side do. you just think you do. You haven’t considered all the repercussions of one of the most powerful militaries in the history of the world, with one of the largest most diverse nuclear arsenals in the world, breaking apart into countless fiefdoms. It only takes one

Good to see the guys from Nickelback didn’t stand around waiting for a hero to save us.

This is artisanal trolling. 

Still sore they denied your application?

Why doesn’t every school liquidate their endowments? Oh, liquidating an endowment would be short sighted and stupid? Yeah, yeah that’s why.

Oh noes! The govt is trying to save money and simultaneously speed up the approval process? The horror!......??

why speculate? Ford’s got you covered. from there press release:

I agree, but I also feel like a conservative wunderkind would be dismissed by the left as “brainwashed”.

Preventing people from entering the country illegally is terrible?

Can we finally decide whether the U.S. (A) is a racist shithole that was founded and is run on white supremacy, or (B) a paradise where brown people should be able to run to safety from other brown people?

You listen to these comments?

Sounds like you not having kids was always going to be a positive for humanity.

I’m so glad all these retailers have found a way to keep criminals from bringing their guns in and shooting up the place. Oh... wait, what’s that? I’m being told that the only people who will abide by their wishes are people they didn’t need to worry about in the first place, and those intent on spreading terror and

“While AOC’s claim that the recipients of Crenshaw’s benevolent gun lending program have “likely” abused their spouse or committed violent crimes is certainly suspect,”

Am I the only one who read that headline as millennials would actually be driving the old vets to the place where they wanted to shot people, since the vets probably are to old to drive a car?

At first read, this headline had me imagining millennials running some kind of Uber for Vietnam vet mass shooters.

I misread the title, and thought that the show was about a new senior outreach service in which millenials would pick up elderly, armed boomers, and drive them to whichever public location they would like to go to kill as many people as they could before the SWAT team took them down.