
I don’t know what you mean. The plane didn’t crash and dump fuel all over an air accident location, so clearly efforts to prevent that outcome were entirely unnecessary.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, I am saying the precise closeness to the water isn’t important, unless it’s on a cliff 50 feet above, waterfront access means to everyone that it is fairly close to the water on an island. Hence, a place that one would worry about flooding when a sea rises.

What you did was push excessive levels of “u are wrong” and effectively discredit yourself.

At some point you have to start holding the developing world responsible for their actions. To do otherwise is to treat them like children who can’t be trusted. Which is a Colonial attitude.

I’ve heard stranger evolutionary theories.

The dominant source of ocean plastics is not US or Europe. We need to continue doing the decent job we are (don't get me wrong, there is always room for improvement) while the developing world and fishing industry fixes their really poor plastic disposal issues.

In the 70s we started controlling the smog released by burning ff. The particulates went into the atmosphere and acted like tiny mirrors, creating a cooling affect to counter balance the greenhouse effect.

To play Devils advocate, the people dying for lack of a/c today would have died of some minor infection years before heat came for them back in the day.

Shh, you will torpedo the planned massive transfer of wealth to developing nations.

Nobody search the internet for ‘last chance climate change/global warming’

Just a reminder that the antivax study was peer reviewed and published in a major publication.

Does anyone else remember the 00's when so many of us were like ‘yay internet, now oppressive leaders can’t censor those they dislike’ and now it’s more ‘crap, now we can’t censor those we don’t like’

I for one love our inevitable AI overlords and forgive them for absorbing all of the data that these tech giants put together.

I for one am glad Google, Twitter and Facebook will be shaping political communications.

During a crisis a less secure gov server was used temporarily. All records remain intact though might have been vulnerable to very determined hacking.

They helped elect Trump. Therefore they are a scourge upon the earth and should be studied with a goal towards eradication.

Wait, does Bob Ferguson not know how the internet works?

You sort it more carefully to be certain nothing is in it. Then send it back into the supply chain.

They recalled it all for safety, to avoid a pr disaster. They will inspect it and use what's good.

I wonder if this is being aimed at hot shot cargo hauling.